Chapter 2 - Screw You

Start from the beginning

"This is heart-warming and all, but like I said, I really do not have all night to stand here and wait. Jake do we have a deal or not?" Lexa asks curtly.

Jake lets his daughter go and turns back to Lexa once again, his face brave again Lexa notes, "Yes. Yes, we have a deal, but I swear to God-"

Lexa raises her hand dismissively. "Please, do not threaten me Jake, it won't end well, you and me, we have an understanding, we respect one another and this-" she gestures to them and then to herself "it's just business."

It still hasn't sunk in for Clarke, this entire exchange, it's just too outrageously crazy. "Lexa, I told you, I'm not going anywhere with you!" Clarke bursts out again.

Lexa makes a deep sigh. "You can come willingly which will be much better for the both of us or I can ask this nice gentleman," she points to Gustus "to just pick you up and put you in the car, and believe me Clarke, that is not what I want to do on this fine night."

Clarke thinks she's going to be sick as she gets this burning feeling at the pit of her stomach and bile shooting up into her throat.
"Honey, it's going to be fine, just go with her, I trust she won't hurt you. It was foolish of me to think she would. She's not much of a stranger to you Clarke, remember?"

Gee, thanks dad, that just makes it all better Clarke thinks sarcastically. "Right."

"So what will it be? Can we get out of here peacefully or shall he pick you up?"

"Peacefully." With one last glance at her father she starts walking forward, bumping shoulders with Lexa then gets into the passenger seat of the car Lexa's been leaning against.

"Huh, would you look at that, surprisingly easy. I was sure she was going to put up a fight." Lexa says to Jake humorously, "The Clarke I remember was quite feisty, seems she still is, just a little more cooperating."

She strides toward Jake again till they're an arm's length apart then she offers her hand, he licks his lips distastefully but still takes her hand and shakes it.

"So a week? You'll have my money in a week?"

Jake just nods and looks past Lexa's shoulder at his daughter sitting arms crossed in the car, a frown on her face.

"One week." He repeats.

"Great, see you in a week Mr. Griffin."

She turns on her heels to walk back to her car, thankful that she can just go home and call it a day, but she doubts the ride home will be pleasant.

"She'll be fine Mr. Griffin, I promise." Lexa says over her shoulder.

"Wrap it up guys, you have the rest of the night off. Do what you want." Lexa says directed at Gustus and Indra.

Lexa opens her car door and gets in and fastens her seatbelt then looks at Clarke.

In her peripheral she can see the BMW's lights brighten up again and it pulls away leaving them alone at the docks.

"Hi." Lexa says grinning.

Clarke scoffs and turns her head to look out of the passenger window, ignoring Lexa flat.

"Hm." Lexa chimes and starts the car. "This is going to be a fun week, I can tell."

She looks at Clarke again. "Can you at least put your seatbelt on?"

But Clarke doesn't move.

"We're not leaving until you put your seatbelt on." Lexa says smirking again, she's enjoying this way too much.

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