Chapter 30

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It's been 2 months and I still haven't heard anything from Thorn. I miss her. How is she? Is she okay? May problema ba siya with her father? Kung meron man she should've told me. 

Our Anniversary is near, next week na ito. Bakit hindi pa siya nakakabalik. I can't contact her phone. I want to go to where she is. Hacienda de Mendez. It's a 5 hour drive. I've never been there because she told me I can't come. She said she has family problems. I didn't ask for more details because I myself has secrets about my family. We'll reveal each other's secret at the right time.

for almost 4 years I grew accustomed seeing Thorn Laying around the sofa with our cats everyday. It feels so cold and quiet without her. The cats misses her too, especially Belat. I can't even sleep at night because I was longing for her warmth beside me.

I have 2 classes this afternoon and I'm feeling so listless. I couldn't focus with my studies because of feeling anxious of Thorn not coming back. I miss my thorn. I want to hug her and kiss her right now. Should I just go and find her? But she told me to wait.

I'll wait for another week. If she doesn't show up on our 4th anniversary I'm going find her. 

Despite feeling Listless I forced myself to wash up and get ready to attend my classes. I look at myself on the mirror after washing my face with cold water. I look like shit. I have dark bags under my eyes and left my face unshaven. My Bangs are now almost covering my eyes because I forgot to get a haircut after Thorn Left. I also haven't been eating well.

I hope when Thorn comes back she'll feel guilty for leaving me worried. This is her fault. I'll definitely punish her with my love.

I told Thorn on our 4th anniversary I'm gonna prepare something for her. I reserved a room in a Hotel and asked them to prepare a dinner date on the rooftop, but I canceled all of that because I'm not sure if she's coming.

I'm planning to propose to Thorn on our anniversary. We've been together for so long. I'm also graduating this year so it is the right time to do so. We'll get married after 2 years then we're going to spend our honeymoon in Switzerland then we're gonna live in U.K and have 10 cats and 2 daughters named Rosemary and Fern. 

Yeah, I have planned all of those in my head and I'm planning to make it come true, so Thorn better show up or else I'm going to lose my mind.


A week already had passed. Still no sign of Thorn coming back. 

Today is our anniversary and I refuse to get out of bed, knowing that I won't see Thorn after I go outside our room. Kaiden, Where the fuck are you? Why can't you call me or give me a single text? I wanna know if you are okay. Silly Thorn always making me worried. 

I miss my Thorn. I miss her so damn much that I could cry. I wanna see her so badly.

Fuck it. I'll drink my sorrow away. 

I forced myself to get out of bed and changed into something decent. I'm going to the convenience store to buy cans of beer. I know it's a dumb decision. I don't drink but this the perfect time to get drunk. Your Girlfriend being missing for 2 months and during our anniversary day ain't that depressing? I'm gonna find her when my hangover is gone. 

I went to the nearest convenience store where Thorn and I always spend time. After graduating High school we couldn't find the time to tambay in mcdo like we always do. Our new tambayan is 7/11, near my condo building. Sometimes if we're bored at home we would spend hours sitting inside 7/11 and eat all kinds of shit that can kill you. It was fun. It's only been 2 months but it feels like 2 years.

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