"You can call her." Dad sighed, giving in, after weighing his options for a few minutes. "I'll call Shawn - the owner of the villa - to let him know that one more will be joining. Have a lovely summer, Princess! And remember to stay away from drugs and alcohol."

"Thanks, dad! I will, don't worry." I grinned, standing on my tippy-toes, I gave him a kiss. "Bye!"

"What took so long?" Ian groaned when I reached him.

"Nothing. Are we taking my car or yours?" I asked, smiling brightly.

"Mine." Ian said, without hesitation.

"Then I get to drive." I said, firmly.

"Hell, no! It's my car." Ian protested.

"So?" I raised an eyebrow. "We'll split it. Half of the journey you drive and other half I'll drive, deal?"

"Fair enough." Ian grumbled. "But I'm driving the first half."

"Fine," I waved it off. "But we have a stop to make first."

Ian shot me a questioning look before stepping into his black Audi. Don't ask me the model because I don't know. I don't get how people can even remember the types. It's stupid in my opinion but whatever! It wasn't long before we took off.

"Stop here." I said, spotting Kyra's house. "Give me just a minute." I said, hopping out of his car and up Kyra's driveway.

I rang the doorbell continuously and before you think it was rude of me to do so, let me just mention Kyra's house is like my second house. So, I really didn't care. And Mrs. Hylland loved me, anyway.

"Oh, hello, Quinn!" Mrs. Hylland greeted, opening the front door wider.

"Hi, Mrs. Hylland! How are you doing?" I asked, politely.

"Enough with the formalities, Quinn. You know you can just call me Shailene." Mrs. Hylland said, letting me enter the house. "Kyra didn't mention that you were coming over though!"

"Yeah, I know. I didn't tell her actually but can I ask you a question?" I said, making my way to the living room.

"Go ahead."

"Well, my dad booked a villa for us at Crestville and I know this is short notice but can Kyra come with us?" I asked, praying for a positive reply "Please? It'll be safe, I promise."

"Who is the 'us'?" Mrs. Hylland asked, thoughtfully.

"Me and my step-brother, Ian Prescott." I responded. "He's very responsible, you know." I added. "I'm sure you've heard of him!"

"Well, I don't see why she can't." Mrs Hylland beamed. "She never even had plans for her summer. You can go up to her room and tell her. She might be bathing right now, though!"

"It fine. I can go help her pack her bags." I said, going up the stairs and into my best friend's room.


"What are you doing here?" Kyra asked, eyeing me skeptically.

"Can't I visit my best friend without being interrogated?" I shot back, grinning widely.

I really need to work on my lying/acting skills because I suck so bad.

"What do you want?" Kyra sighed, shaking her head as she shot me an amused glance.

"I want to go to the mall." I lied, without batting an eyelid.

Yay! One for Quinn!

"And you're telling me this because?" Kyra frowned.

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