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Chapter Two ~ "The Smirnoff Disaster"

•Kade Westin•

"Freedom from high school at last!," yelled my excited best friend, Derek Jenson, as we exited our high school building for the last time in our lives. "Who would've thought that we'd actually survive it?"

Our graduation ceremony had just ended, and the Jenson's and my legal guardians, the Westins' had just left. It was truly a bittersweet moment. Like being free from ugly uniforms, boring and annoying teachers and disgusting cafeteria food was all good . . . but the times and friends we had had in high school were just amazing. Leaving was going to be hard. Especially since everyone was heading off to colleges all around the globe.

"Yay." I said, monotonously.

"I can just feel the excitement just oozing out of you, dude," my cousin, Kyle Westin remarked. "Don't be a Debbie-downer and just sit back relax, man!"

Kyle's father was my father's twin, before, the incident. Now, his father, my uncle is my legal guardian.

"Yeah, yeah, but then again, I'm not the one getting laid every fucking night." I said, exasperatedly.

"Oh shut up! You're just jealous. All you do is hook up with girls for all of two minutes before you let them go." Kyle said.

"Maybe that's just my style." Irritation crept into my voice. "Have you ever thought about that, huh? Have you?"

Though he's my closest friend and 'bro for life', he's could also be an extremely annoying piece of shit, especially when it came to girls. He thought that I had a non-existent love life and had ever-so-often interfered in it.

"You have no style. You just simply can't ge-"

"Let's celebrate!," interrupted Derek, before our argument got any more intense. "I heard The Slammer is holding a huge end of the year party! Lots of music, drinks... and girls." He added for the benefit of Kyle.

"Ooooh, you sure there's plenty of girls?" asked Kyle eagerly. I could practically see the gears turning in his head, as he fantasized about this night. "Hot girls, that is?" He added, smirking.

"Gee, can't you keep it in your damn pants, your horny creep?" I asked, incredulously.

It honestly sucked having a cousin who looked a hell of a lot like you but was a complete womanizer. We do share almost equally good looks, but nearly half the girls he's slept with have slept with him thinking that I was the heart-breaking player. Like, geez, can't you see I look ten times better?

"Well excuse me, but I'm not hungover just one girl," Kyle remarked.

Derek's jaw dropped and my cousin knew he'd crossed a line - a line that honestly, shouldn't have been crossed at all.

"What the hell, did you just say?" I gritted my teeth, anger seeping into my voice.

Francesca, the one girl I'd probably every really cared about was an absolute taboo topic. It never came up, not even in the worst of our arguments.

Once again, the calm and collected, unofficial peacekeeper of our group, Derek stepped in. "Guys, guys, let's just relax and take a deep breath. Our last summer before college has just begun and I refuse to start it with you two fighting! And no girls, for any of us. This is our night! Just us guys!"

He holds his fist out and I bump it immediately. We both stare at Kyle as he contemplated whether girls were so important to him or not.

"Kyle," Derek warned.

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