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"Rain came pouring down when i was drowning that's when i could finally breathe."

Jack Tyler

Jack opened the window of his mothers fifth story apartment in the Bronx, just enough to wiggle his tall bony body through. His mother wouldn't care. She was abusive and an alcohlic. Jack thought constantly about turning his mother into child services but if he did his life would be worse than before. Rain pourned onto Jack's hoodie. He shivered againest the damp fabric. Jack looked up at the dark and polluted sky, not a star in sight. Good. Jack ran through the busy streets of New York, filled with tourist and taxi drivers. He finally made his way into a small unknown coffee shop. A boy behind the counter looked up from wiping the front counter with a rag. "Hey Jack," he said like it was the most normal thing for him to speak. "Evening Parker," Jack whispered staring at the ground. Jack heard Parker messing around in the kitchen and soon brought him a cup of tea. "Thanks," Jack muttered. "How mad is it?" Parker asked refering to Jack's mother.

"Well, she ran around the house screaming a hippo in her pizza and then she giggled hysterically on the couch. So, normal." Jack smiled at Parker. Parker laughed. Parker had been Jack's only friend since junior high. Ever since then Parker had made sure Jack had something to eat every night since his mother had stopped caring about her sons health ever since Jack was six. Whether it be a burger and fries from his familys shop or just a simple muffin.

Jack was use to going hungry. He was use to seeing Parker. He was use to sneaking out. "Do you want to crash at my place for a bit?" Parker asked.
"No, that's okay," Jack gave an unconvincing smile and pushed himself away from the table.  "Jack! Wait!" Jack heard Parker yell, but he was already outside and didn't want to turn back. The thing was he didn't want Parker's help. He didn't want to look into those so very brown eyes and beg for help. Jack wanted to be able to deal with his mother by himself. He wanted to be able to feed himself and help himself but he couldn't he had to walk away. Jack had to run away. He was tired of being a burden. 

A quick shove from the back broke Jack out of his fast pace causing him to drop his jacket in shock. He bent down but a hand caught his. Jack looked up into the dark eyes of a black women in a black and white pantsuit. She smiled at him and placed an envolope with a red wax seal. Jack looked back up to see the women slipping through the night crowd of New York. Jack snatched his jacket and ran through. "Excuse me, parden me, I'm so sorry," he yelled as he pushed through the group. 

Finally seeing her in sight Jack called out, "Hey!" Jack ran and grabbed her shoulders. She turned with her eyebrows up in a questioning gaze, crossing her arms. Jack pulled the women into an alley. Panting he put his hands on his knees, "Why.. would you.. give me...this." he panted waving the card. The women snorted, "I see why they picked you," she grinned. 

"Picked me for what?" Jack gasped peeling his hands from his knees. The women smiled and began to stride away. "Wait!" Jack called after her, not sure why he wasn't running after her. "You haven't told me yet." She turned as she grabbed onto the handle of a black car on the other side of the alley. Was that there before?

"Just do what the card says!" she yelled with a friendly smile on her face, but Jack knew looks could be deceiving. 

He heard the roar of the engine as it sped off, but Jack was too busy breaking the wax seal.

A/N I hope you guys like this so far. I might update later today. Please comment and vote! Fin xx

a game with criminalsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang