"Miss Fay?" The professor asked, encouraging me to tell the class.

"Umm... I smell bubble bath... and bourbon."

The entire class looked at me trying to figure out who I could be smelling, the majority figured it was Cormac but those close enough to him knew he didn't drink bourbon because 'his body is a temple', and bourbon is an 'old man drink'.

I could feel my face go red as I stepped down from the front of the class knowing whos eyes were glued to me. He knew who I was smelling, he knew fine well. A faint smile appeared on his lips and the cockyness went straight to his head.

I glanced at him quickly and he raised his eyebrows suggestively when he was called up to the table. I challenged his stare with an eyebrow raise of my own. This is going to be interesting, I wonder what he's gonna smell.

All eyes darted to Draco as he made his way up to the table, they were all just as curious as I was to find out, especially Pansy, she had always had a thing for him and I honestly thought he was warming up to her at the end of last year. She wormed her way to the front so she could see Dracos face better for when she hoped he'd say something about her ghastly perfume.

My heart raced for some reason, watching him take a deep inhale of the potion displayed in front of him. I found myself hoping that he'd smell something similar to what I had.

"Apples, I smell apple, that's it." Draco said.

A little part of my heart broke, he smelt something else. By the look on Pansy's face she believed he had smelled her, and why wouldn't she, she always carries around a bloody green apple because she knows they're Draco's favourite.

I avoided his gaze for the rest of the lesson, he tried to get my attention by hissing and making faces but I was too embarrassed to look at him. I felt stupid thinking he'd smell me, why would he? We've only shared a kiss a couple times, it's not like we're in love, not even nearly. In fact most of time we're in some kind of argument.

At the end of class I heard a snarky comment coming from none other that Draco as we left the classroom behind.

"Don't suppose McLaggen drinks much bourbon darling does he?" The comment reeked of sarcasm and anger as the rest of his friends laughed.

I could tell he was still mad about last night, was he trying to prove a point or something? I hurried away from the classroom to where I usually meet Cormac.

I waited for about 5 minutes before I spotted him walking towards me with his friends. He gestured for his friends to keep going and said he'd catch up with them later.

"Hey Cormac, haven't seen much of you lately. Is everything ok?" I asked

"I've been busy." He slouched against the wall behind him looking bored.

"Right well do you want to walk me to class?"

"I have to go but are you still coming to Slughorns tomorrow?" He said brushing off my request.

"Yeah, I'll be there."

"I'll pick you up at 7 then." And with that he disappeared into the corridors.

No kiss or hug, he didn't even look at my for most of the time we talked. He had never been so distant before, what was wrong with him. I thought back to the way he blanked me in the library yesterday, he was being so unnecessarily rude.

I made my way to the rest of my classes alone until it was finally dinner time. For some reason I really wasn't hungry so I dismissed myself up to the dorm for an early night.

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