"Well then, you may choose-"

"Connor." Ellie blurted before Chiron had even finished talking, a bright red blush overtaking her as the campers turned to Connor. At first he froze, and Ellie was terrified that he didn't want to, and that she had overstepped.

He stumbled awkwardly under the spotlight, standing. "I'm in."

He offered her a supportive grin, and Ellie breathed out in relief. If this quest was going to happen, the only person she would want to go with was him.

Chiron nodded. "You should leave as soon as possible. Of course, you must figure out transportation and where to go, but I figure Annabeth will assist you with that before she leaves to look for Percy."

Ellie nodded confidently, turning to the campers one last time.

She remembered being unclaimed, how every night she prayed that her parent would magically remember her and claim her as her own. The nights she spent with Annabeth, droning over minor goddess that she could have been the daughter of.

She remembered when she had been claimed, cursing her mother for bearing a curse upon her and driving her away from her friends. She turned, she could still see the empty Harmonia emblem, where the crowded campers parted.

She remembered the campfires she had spent with Connor, with an arm thrown around her shoulder, bringing the warmth of the fire to her. But even when she was with him, when she felt the most safe and protected, there was still that little voice in the back of her head that nagged her. The one that told her that she would inevitably die at the hands of her necklace, the stupid curse that caused all her problems in the first place.

She glanced down at her necklace, the golden snakes encrusted with green jewels gleaned in the dying campfire's flames. The reminder of the curse, the one that would bring her life to an end.

Now there was a hope. One that had never been there before, one that made her more confident and hopeful. She was being sent on a quest that could receive her, take the weight bearing on her shoulders. She could be completely blissful, grow old here at camp with Connor.

"You alright?"

The voice jerked her out of her thoughts. She blinked, looking around. The campfire was empty, the only proof that anyone had been there was the shadows of retreating demigods, headed to their cabins.

Connor was looking at her with concerned eyes. She licked her lips, growing distracted by his brilliant ocean blue eyes. They were so rich, a beautiful ice color that swam with memories. His eyes were like the windows of his soul, and she could see the royal blue sadness, icy anger, and bright, cheerful teal.

"Ellie?" He asked again, searching her eyes for a responce.

She blinked again, dropping her arms away from the necklace that had grown hot to the touch.

"Sorry," She murmured. "Lost in my thoughts."

Connor grinned. "Lots to think about, yeah?"

She just nodded, looking up into the star speckled night sky.


Connor took a step closer, running his finger over her necklace. "El, we've got this. We've got hope now. You're going to take this thing off, and we'll be able to live without this chip on your shoulder."

She nodded, moving past him to sit on the stone steps. The fire had died out since the campers had left, leaving a few glowing ambers in the pit.

Connor sat beside her, rubbing her shoulder. "I mean that. Once this is all over, you'll live a long, happy life."

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