Chapter 😈 3

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After that event with Pandemonica, you felt a little... successful? Knowing that you befriend one of them. And knowing that the cry act you just put infront of Pandemonica gain you a another goal, BE FRIENDS WITH THEM! no matter what the terms are.

"(Y/n) is there something wrong?" Helltaker said looking down at you noticing your evil friendly face, both of you are in the kitchen, you cook the lunch for everyone, you're quite the expert when it comes to cooking since you took culinary class before your current job now.

"Nothing papa, just happy that I can cook for you this time...wait that's remind me why are here!? Your not supposed to be in the kitchen because what I'm cooking is a surprise!" You said pouting, putting the back of your hands on your waist and puff your cheeks at him, he chuckle nervously.

"I just want to help you"

"I got things under my control so don't worry" you said huffing and back to cooking your food.

"But what if you can't reach the cabinets?"

"P-papa! I am not that small!"
You playfully hit his arm, he laugh and walk past you. "Okay okay I'll just prepare the plates"

Helltaker went out the kitchen holding stacks of plate when he noticed that just outside the kitchen door, the girls were there peaking to you. "What are you doing"

"What is she cooking?" Lucifer asks, wearing her apron and had her white hair tied up. She's supposed to be cooking today and end up not.

"She said it's a surprise" Helltaker proceed to put the plates on the table.

Lucifer look backs to you, gripping the door frame that it almost break. "Hey Lucifer, calm down, you can cook tomorrow" Justice said not wearing her jacket today, she patted Lucifer's back and went to Helltaker to help.

Cerberus and Pandemonica help with the untensils, Helltaker noticed Pandemonica sadistic look means she's energized. "Had a good coffee?" He ask. Pandemonica look at him and smiled.

"Never been better" nodding and remembering your flustered and crying face. Faces like yours drives her almost insane.

"Alright done!" Your voice were heard from the kitchen and everyone looks at you standing beside the door, holding bowl with the food you cook in it and a satisfied smile on your face.

You set the food down and scent of it linger around the dinning room, with the scent poking and entering everyone's nostril, their mouths water.

"Wh-what a tasty smell" Lucifer said, feeling a bit of defeated.

"Woah! Let's eat already!" Cerberus said in sync, already excited to eat your food.

Everyone including you sat down, you prayed while the rest looks at you with a 'why' face.

"O-oh! I mean, prayers are just part of me"

"And you do know were demons" Zdrada said looking at you with a deadpan expression.

"Hey don't tell me that a simple meal prayer is enough to perish Lucifer" you said not wanting to be disappointed, you do prayers but you do think demons are cool like the books you've been reading.

"It's not! A lowly prayer like that doesn't even bother me" Lucifer said slamming her hands on the table that shook the untensils. Luckily the food didn't fall.

'wow, denied much' you giggled softly.
"Lucifer calm down" Helltaker said putting his hands on her shoulder, Lucifer huffs again and cross her arm.

"Okay, dig in" you said gesturing your hands at the food with a smirk.

Everyone took their spoons and start to dig in, while you smile with an "onee-sama" look, a petty smile on your face and confident with your food.

My Papa's...harem!? (Helltaker Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now