05: Terms of Endearment

Start from the beginning

As they are approaching the next town, Jorund watches as another loft is approaching, only for her to stop before entering. He watches the loft out of curiosity, who is bending down and reaching for her footwear. He watches as the loft is slipping off her shoes before she continues to walk into the town.

"Curious about that?" Florence asks, grabbing her mate's attention. "When a loft enters a vuln populated area, it is both a common courtesy and the law that she remove her footwear before stepping into town. A safety precaution, shoes can prevent us from feeling anything beneath our feet."

Jorund swallows hard. Not at the idea that she could accidentally crush something, but at the idea of a loft requiring to be barefoot. "So, is that why you don't wear shoes?"

Florence nods as she answers, "Uh-huh. Because I enter vuln populated areas so often, I have chosen to forego shoes." Jorund glances down towards the ground, watching as his wife's feet come into view with each step she takes. He will be the first to admit that he has always fantasized about being with a woman who would walk around in her bare feet where ever she went and Florence fulfills this fantasy perfectly. "Of course, this is a lifestyle that most lofts will choose, constantly having to remove your shoes can be a bit annoying."

As the newlywed couple enters the town, Jorund notices how different this town is when comparing it to Peak's Ridge; seeing a mixture of both humans and lofts walking road. The town itself even looks to be made to accommodate both races; buildings and stalls to accommodate both, even the loft establishments are outfitted to accommodate any humans who wish visit. He looks onward as everyone is going about their business, neither race paying any special mind to the other; if anything this is a norm for them.

Jorund does not have too much time to take in these sights, Florence leaving this area of the town to one which is wide open. He immediately recognizes it to be farmland. He looks up at the loft who is carrying him, "You are heading to a farm?"

"That is where I work." There is a smile on the loft's as she answers, looking down at her mate, "Plowing and tilling fields, moving crates filled with produce, helping to build any structures; my size is a real asset for this job. Now my job is even better because you will be with me the entire time!"

"You don't need me to work?"

"The pay is good," Florence answers, "Besides, a vuln's cost of living is relatively low."

As Florence is approaching the house, there is a man standing on the porch as if he is waiting for the loft. Dressed in clothes that are appropriate for the type of work he does, he brushes his blonde hair away from his eyes as the giantess kneels before him so she is not so high up. "Morning, Larry," Florence says with a smile.

"So glad to gave you back," he replies with a smile on his face. He looks over at Jorund, noting how he is being carried in her pocket. "I see you went and got paired."

"Nope," Florence answers with a smile while shaking her head, "Bonded. This is Jorund, my mate."

"That is a real cause for celebration," Larry comments, "Not everyday a loft finds a mate to bond with. Speaking of which, Jack quit. He got tired of the hard labor that his job demanded; said he was going to find a loft to pair with so that he would never need to work again."

"Aww... How sweet," Florence coos, "He is going to make a loft happy."

"Yeah..." There is a tone of annoyance in the farmer's voice, not being too overly fond of losing someone to laziness. "You and I are going to have to pick up on the slack that he left behind, at least until I can hire another farmhand."

"What about me?" Jorund offers. He remembers how Florence recently told him that she can easily support him, but he just doesn't feel right about it.

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