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Look at what they have in common. (I'm super proud of this one by the way)

Calum. Just saying/hearing/texting/reading that word will spend shivers down anyone's spine. Anyone's.
So, I had this dream and I was in this skyscraper thing and Calum was like, 'Morgan take my phone I have to do something' So I take his phone and he starts stripping right? I'm like 'Cal not in public!', because Liz was throwing some kind of party I don't know. I was like 'How about a keek?' So I started keeking and he was like 'MORGAN GET IN THIS FXCKING KEEK I WANNA CUDDLE' So I was cuddling with Calum (he was squishy definitely the best cuddler in the band) and suddenly Luke pops out of nowhere and is like 'MORG IS MINE' before cuddling me so I'm sitting there while Cake is cuddling me, recording a keek doing nothing. (Jk i was cuddling and laughing lmao) and Mashton walk in and start to cuddle me too so now they are all fighting over me, (I still stand with my opinion that Calum is the best cuddle buddy though) and I'm cuddling them and laughing and for some reason this keek didn't have a time limit (but i finally ended it). I was like 'Callllllum' and he was like 'Yes?' and I was like 'I need pizza.' So then (keep in mind there is literally no distance between the boys and I) when they all look at each other and scream 'MORGAN WANTS ANOTHER SLICE! PIZZA!!! PIZZA!!!! MORGAN WANTS. ANOTHER SLICE! PIZZA PIZZA!!!' (nearly broke my ears lmao) suddenly it was just me and Calum under the stars and he kissed me. Like not one of those dreams where you wake up before it happens/someone in the dream interrupts, he actually kissed me. Then Luke popped up and cuddled us and was like 'Morcake is real bro.' Then I woke up.

I said cuddle in that 7483830407 times. (I actually said it 10 times but still) it was AMAZING. (I won't describe the kiss though lmao)

QOTC: What was the best dream you've had recently that you remember?

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