C H A P T E R - 8

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Song of the day : Phobias - Johnny Orlando.


"I would like to talk to you about your girlfriend"

"If you feel like she's not like us, you don't need to worry about that. Her parents are international lawyers" Taehyun replied.

"That's exactly not what I was trying to say but you chose the easier way so here's what I'm gonna say. I know lawyers are wealthy but they're not on business field. Unfortunately, we are and we are going to be linked to only families on the field as we are"

"I have the right to date who I want"

"That's immature. You have to think about your future. You can't go around daring whoever you want"

"I'm not dating whoever I want-"

"You need to choose girls wisely-"

"I don't want to hear about that"

"I'm not done. If you're taking care of our business, it's your job to expand and grow it. You can't do that alone" his father said. Taehyun really hates that he only care about their business and finally got the answer that he wanted for so long and have the guts to ask it.

"Is that why you married mom? Without love? That leads a divorce?"

"Kang Taehyun-"

"I don't want a life like yours and you'll never make me have it" Taehyun said standing up and then leave.


I was so focused, staring at Taehyun's pictures that I did not see him coming. He grabbed my wrist as I look up at him seeing him looking so tense. He pull me up making me roughly put down the album on the table. He walk down the stairs and then walk out as I just followed him silently. He doesn't look like he in a very good mood so I don't wanna stop and ask him what was going on.

We walk out of their gate as he kept on walking. Almost at the back if their house, there's a small yard, garden like playground. I got the feeling that this is the playground he mentioned before. We sat down on a bench. I turn my head toward him and caresses his hand with my thumb.

"Are you okay?" I asked him as he slowly shake his head. "Was the talk that bad?" I asked as he let out a sigh.

"It was unbelievable"

"What was it about?"

"I can't say it, sorry. I just need some time to clear my mind. You don't need to worry about anything"

"How will I not worry when you're like this?" I asked as he turn to me.

"Just... Trust me, okay? If I don't reciprocate with what's he's saying then it's, all fine" he said. It's a bit hard but I don't wanna doubt about it.

"Okay" I replied.


After I had dinner with Han, we both walk up to our rooms. No way in hell I'm studying, Taehyun's offline for awhile now so are my friends. I just feel so bored and doesn't know what to do so I went to Han's room. He's playing games on his computer and literally talking to Felix on his phone. I sat down beside him making him startled as I laugh.

"Can I play too?" I asked Han.

"Not now. Later" he replied as I sigh and stare at the screen.

"Can I send a message on your chatroom made by Jeongin?" I asked Han.

"Yeah, whatever" he replied as I take out my phone.

"Why now Jiwan? I'd like to chat too" Felix said from Han's phone.

"Just focus Yongbok. We can't lose" Han said to him.

"Yeah, yeah. I know" Felix replied.

"We can talk later" I said to Felix.

"Don't disturb him" Han said to me.

"Sure Jiwan" Felix replied.

"How am I disturbing him?" I asked Han.

"Whatever. Just keep quiet and talk to Jeongin and Seungmin" Han replied.

"I am. Chatting with Seungmin"


September is huge 😥

Han's birthday,

IN 生 comeback,

Felix's birthday


Seungmin's birthday.

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