C H A P T E R - 2

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After taking a shower, I decided to do my homeworks but I just don't feel like it so I walk down to the kitchen. I take lots of snacks and walk to the living room and sit on the couch across the tv. I turn it on and watch cartoons while eating. My phone vibrated as I take it out from my pocket, seeing a text from Taehyun.



What do you think? 😆

Definitely not studying.

Correct, you?

I just finished my works

Really? Send me the answers. I'll copy it down 😚

hmm you always cheat.

If you don't cheat that means you're not trying hard.

And don't even ask me how I know such a moral 😌

Cheating cannot be a moral.

It depends on the story. You never know.

I highly doubt that.

Anyway, I'll send you at night. You're not doing it now anyways.

Right 😂 whenever you want.

Yep. I gtg, I'll call you later



I put my phone down on the couch and started to eat again. I heard footsteps coming in the living room as I turn my head towards it seeing Han and Minho.

"Hi" I said waving my hand at Minho.

"Hi Jiwan" he replied.

"I'm having done with my friends tonight and might be coming home late so make sure you lock the door" Han said.

"Okay" I replied.

"We're going" he continued as I bid goodbyes to them and they leave.


I wasn't thinking much at all but now that it's getting late, I need to book several meals for myself and I'm kinda craving for something good so I decided to eat it outside. I walk up to my room and take my wallet and then walk out.

There are lots of good restaurants at the end of the block so if probably go anywhere I feel like around there. It has been awhile I used to eat on my own so I'd be great.

After I had my dinner, I walk back at a peaceful pace, staring the stars appearing in the sky. I got a call as I take out my phone from my pocket. I smile widely seeing that it's Taehyun.

"Hey, what's up? You gonna send me your notes now?"

"I actually delivered it. I'm outside your front gates. Are you not home?"

"Really? I had dinner outside"

"With your brother?"

"No. By myself. He's having dinner with his friends"

"Oh okay"

"I'm reaching soon. I should come running"

"You don't need to run. Just make sure you're safe"

"I am" I said and hang up because I saw him from metres away. I'm coming from the left while he's facing right. I silent my phone and quietly walk towards him.

"Caught you!" I said hugging him from the back and giggle.

"You almost startle me" he said as I let go and he turn around.

"Have you eaten?" I asked him, smiling.

"Yes, I have" he replied nodding. "Here, my notes" he continued handing me a small tote bag.

"Damn, you're the best"

"I'm not coming to school tomorrow"

"What? Why?" I asked looking at him.

"I gotta work" he replied.

"I see." I said and look down. "I'm gonna miss you"

"I'll miss you too" he said and hug me. "You'll have a great time with your friends. Just don't flirt with boys" he continued as I frowned.

"I never flirt with boys" I replied, looking at him.

"I'm not joking but I'm just joking, okay?" He asked as we chuckle. "I should go now" he said and peck on my forehead.

"Okay" I replied and hug him tight one more time and let go.

"Bye. Good night" I said smiling and waving my hands at him.

"Good night, Jiwan" he said smiling as I stare at him 'til he's out of my sight.



Fun Fact #1 : Taehyun, Jisung and Jeongin were all born on February and also me. There are lots of kpop idols born on February (especially nct) but I don't share my birthday with anyone 😑

Question : Do you share your birthday with any kpop idol?

(You don't need to answer if you don't want to)


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