C H A P T E R - 27

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"Awh, here comes my prince and princess" dad said as we stand beside his couch.

I look at Taehyun as he smile at me as I smile back.

He side parted his hair a bit and did not wear his glasses. Truthfully, he look even more colder but extraordinarily handsome. He doesn't look like a nerd anymore. I literally dropped my jaw staring at him.

"Should we go?" Mom asked.

"Right. We should" dad replied.

We walk out. Dad went to the garage while we stand outside the gate.

"You look so good" I said to Taehyun.

"You look beautiful" he said making me blush.

"Thank you"


Me, Han and Taehyun sat at the backseat. I sat in between them as we're just having mild conversations.

"So, Taehyun, are you yourself a Christian?" Dad asked him.

"Yeah I am. But I never go to the church due to some reasons"

"Okay. I hope you'll like the church" dad replied.

"Yes. I'm looking forward to it"

"Can you sing, Taehyun?" Han asked.

"I'm not sure. I don't usually spend time singing" Taehyun replied.

"All he do is study" I said to Han.

"Really? Top student?" Han continued.

"Yeah" I replied.

"Whoa!" Han exclaimed.

"Being a top student is really hard" mom said.

"Right. You need not only need to study hard but need to born good in studies. Although working hard can put you to the top, luck is required" dad continued as I turn to Taehyun.

"Our family admirers and love people who are good in studies" I said to him as he smile.

Han now started to do what he's good at, rapping.

"Mind the lyrics though" dad said to him.

"It's a gospel rap" Han defend.

"You're loud" I said to him.

"My voice is nice though" he replied.

"As if"


"I hope it was not that boring. The sermon was kinda long" I said to Taehyun once we got out from the church.

"No. It was not that boring. I kinda like it. It's interesting" he replied "And I've finished the science project" he added.

"Whoa! You're amazing. Now, I'll get a nice mark all thanks to you"

"Yeah you should be grateful" he said sarcastically.

"Yep. I am, seatmate"

"Okay kids. Lets go to some nice places" mom said as we gather around.


The whole day, we're just at nice restaurants playing games together and eating good foods. It was nice having Taehyun with us. My family loves him and I'm sure he feels the same at some point. After dinner, we get in the car again.

"Should we drive you to your place, Taehyun?" Dad asked him.

"No it's fine. My driver will be waiting for me by your front gate" Taehyun replied.

"Oh alright" dad replied as he starts to drive.

We went pretty far from our place so seems like it's gonna be a long drive. We all seem pretty tired so it's quiet.

My phone vibrated as I look down. It was a text from Taehyun. I look at him as he glanced at me.

He's so cute, dang.


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