C H A P T ER - 35

803 44 15

Days passed, everyday's literally the same. I cried and then in awhile my mind feels numb as I'm just watching the tv emotionlessly. I can't deny that I missed Taehyun a lot but there's nothing I can do with that.

It's Christmas Eve as i'm staying alone while Han's on a sleepover at his friend's place. Not like I could join them but i prefer to stay alone as i know I'd be just making people to not enjoy their time.

It has been awhile since i last eat normally. i just dont feel like eating at all. i dont even feel like looking at myself in the mirror, I'd look so ugly, thin and pale. 

I let out a sigh as i turn my head towards the window seeing the snow falling then gaze at the clock seeing its 7.

I dont even feel like eating so I should just go to sleep?

I turn off the tv and some of the lights as well and walk to the kitchen as the door bell rang. I hesitated at first as i stood still. it rand again as i walk to the door and slowly open it. 

"T- Taehyun?"

My heart started to race seeing him. He look so weak and tired. It pains me to see him like this.

"I need to talk to you" he said.

His voice I haven't heard for such a long time, I could get goosebumps.

I nod as he walk in, closing the door. He don't see good at all. Looking as if he'd...

"i dont even know how to start-" he slowly fainted and fell on my shoulders.

"T- taehyun! are you okay?" I asked as i'm starting to panic. 

"I'm not feeling well" he weakly whispered.

"Do you think you can walk? you need to rest. Please, stay awake, Taehyun"


I somehow manage to get him up to my room and get him in my bed. I could tell that he's been staying out at the cold for too long. He's so cold. I warm my room up and I'm just hoping he did my catch a severe cold.

I take his hand, pressing them with both my hands as I'm reminiscing how he'd always warm my hands at school.

He's looking so weak and pale.

"Kang Taehyun, have you not eaten? How could you let yourself suffer? To let all these things happen to you? You should've forget me and be happy if you've decided to never come back in my life"


Cold Seatmate || Kang Taehyun Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz