I cannot stay unobtrusive

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Why didn't I just open up to him?

Why did I scream at him?

Why did I have an episode?

Why couldn't I just be normal and be calm?

He just wanted to know more about me. He wanted to know what made me tick. He wanted to know what most men would rather not know about. He wanted to know why I was so sad in life.

But the truth is.

I don't even know why I'm so sad, because I don't know anything about what I want and who I am. I'm a lost soul.

I should have just said that to him. Anything would have been better than silence, better than the cold shoulder. Anything to keep him coming back to me.

"Miss Chance? Miss Chance!" I jumped out of my seat, and out of my thoughts. I leaned over the railing, hoping to see Giovanni, but Leonardo stood there with a grin. "Buongiorno Miss Chance."

"Buongiorno, Leonardo," I called out to him, "I will be down in a moment!" I quickly ran back into the apartment, closing the doors behind me. I grabbed my bag, only for items to fall out on the floor. I dropped to my knees, gathering it all up only to find the tickets to the opera along with the charity event invitation card. I took a deep breath before putting the two papers, and anything else in my bag that reminded me of those two days, into a pocket of my luggage. I closed my bag once more, fixing the outfit I was wearing. No longer a dress. Something more relaxed. After all, those dresses only reminded me of Giovanni now.

I adjusted my jeans, making sure my white linen shirt was tucked in all around before leaving my apartment. I ran down the stairs before jumping out to the street, in front of Leonardo. "Sorry, I dropped my bag," I fit my hat on my head, before sliding on my sunglasses.

"Do you think people will recognize you," he asked, concerned.

I shook my head, "I don't think so, the newspapers this morning and the news didn't have good enough photos of me. Thankfully my sunglasses were protecting me, but I was worried about the Aperol Terrace photos, but it seems like I'm okay," I shrugged. "I just do this to be safe, plus, I love being covered up like this. And," I posed, "I just bought this hat, last night."

He chuckled, nodding his head, his smil bringing out the dimple at the corner of his left cheek, "It's very nice."

"Good. So, how about breakfast, I'm starving." I'm only starving because I cried all night, I was wearing sunglasses to be safe and also to hide my puffy eyes.

"Yes, our first stop will be God Save the Food? It's one of the best in the Brera. Then we can walk down through the shops towards the Duomo di Milano." Leonardo was charming, sweet. He had a boyish look to him. I suppose the Italian equivalent of Boy Next Door look. His hair left to its own demise, dirty blonde and barely brushed, but he put much more thought in his outfits. "Shall we?" He motioned for me to walk along with him.

Once we arrived at God Save the Food, Leonardo and I became a little more comfortable with each other. It was such a weird situation yesterday, I suppose it's only natural we be a bit awkward with each other today. "So, I know you don't want to talk about his royal majesty, but may I say one thing. I promise, I'm not going to gossip. You must understand, his royal majesty is quite beloved in Europe. The Italian people are quite protective over the family, especially him. The Italians are not so kind to outsiders when it comes to their royal family. Tourism, perfectly fine, because at some point you will leave, but to be connected to the royal-"

"Leonardo." I had to stop him. "I did not tell you anything about Gio-" I stopped, his reaction telling me I had no right to use his name, "I did not tell you anything about his royal majesty because nothing happened. I was invited to a charity event, he was going my way, and he dropped me off."

With All My Love And MoreNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ