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The whole thing was a blur to Tony

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The whole thing was a blur to Tony.

One minute he and Lennon were hugging, the next they were fighting Thanos with the rest of the group and it really seemed like they were going to win... until someone ruined it all for them.

All Lennon saw was red and she was completely ready to attack the other Peter, which Thanos took to his advantage.

They were all off their balance really and it seemed like they had officially lost. Still, Tony was completely ready to die at Thanos' hands. He even made sure to talk to Peter beforehand and make sure he knew to hold Lennon back from trying to stop Thanos from doing it.

But then Doctor Strange decided to give up the one thing he swore not to.

Tony was shocked to say the least while Lennon immediately ran to her father to hug him.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine- I- why would you do that?"

"We're in the endgame now."

"So wait. He's officially going to win now?" Lennon asked worriedly, "He's really going to murder half of us?"

"There's no telling," Tony sighed, "It's really up to everyone back home and Vison. We have to hope he keeps his stone away from him."

"To think, we could've won it all if someone didn't ruin our plan."

"I said I was sorry!" Quill complained, even though Lennon only rolled her eyes.

"This was the only way," Doctor Strange stood up now.

"So that's why you gave it to him? This is that one version you saw where we win?"

"It could be. Truth is... it depends on where we go from here."

Silence filled the group while Tony continued to hold Lennon, once again scared to let her go. No one really spoke until Mantis broke the silence.

"Something's happening."

Mantis. Drax. Quill.

They all disappeared before their eyes.

"Tony. There was no other way."

The second Lennon realized what might happen next, she grabbed her dad's hand to look at her.

"Move on."

"What? Lennon no-"

"Tell mom I'm sorry."

He lost her. Her lost his little girl. But before he could even break down, he lost Peter next and it was then that it truly felt like the end for him.

Nebula couldn't help. She could try to sympathize with him and the pain he was feeling but she truly would never get it.

She definitely didn't get it when he spent the entire time on the ship just sulking and telling different stories about Lennon and Peter.

As much as she wanted to tell him off or remind him that he already told her that story, Nebula didn't say a thing. She knew he was mourning.

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