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Lennon has just gotten back from school when she noticed Natasha standing with Tony, both in a seemingly intense conversation

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Lennon has just gotten back from school when she noticed Natasha standing with Tony, both in a seemingly intense conversation.



The two hugged tightly, it having been a long time since they saw each other. When they pulled away, Natasha smiled at Dylan.

"Hey there, Dyl."

"Hey," she smiled, quickly hugging her too.

"Still won't take me up on my offer to teach you self defense?"

"Still don't want my ass beaten by you. I've heard the horror stories from Happy."

"That was one time!"

"Well, I'm gonna go call Harry."

"Jesus- if I wasn't a billionaire, you'd be killing me with those non-stop phone calls!" Tony called out after Dylan who simply brushed him off and went to her room.

"So, what are you doing here?"

"I came to steal your dad... but before we left, I was hoping to spend some time with my favorite god daughter?"

"Don't think Ms. Potts and I ever fully agreed to that position."

"I've still taken what's mine," Natasha smirked, "Cmon, Lenn. Let's get away from the testosterone."

"I'll have you know my testosterone is at a perfect level!" Tony called out after the laughing girls.

"So, how was your mission?"

"Not so great," Natasha frowned a bit, "Let's just say there was a burning building and deaths that could've been avoided."

"Jesus, I'm so sorry, Nat."

Natasha shrugged, "I feel more bad for Wanda. She's the one taking all the blame when she was only trying to save the Cap's life."

"Is she going to get in trouble for that?"

"That's what I'm scared this meeting is going to be about," Natasha confessed, "I don't want the goddamn government thinking they have control over us."

"I can get why not. The government sucks."


Lennon blushed, hating how well Natasha knew her, "But as a boring human with no powers, I can get why there are some people that are scared of your guys' power and what you could do. I'd get why they'd want to control you as much as they can."

"Huh. I never thought of it that way. But hey- don't you have your own suit?"

"One that dad won't let me wear," Lennon rolled her eyes, "Honestly, I've trained so much but he still thinks I'm too young to go out there."

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