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"So, let me get this straight

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"So, let me get this straight. You're his girlfriend?"

"Yes. Now it's my turn to ask the question," Lennon frowned, "How are you all... electric? And what's your name?"

"My name is Max and I fell into a bath of electric eels."

"Oh, right. Very common. Follow up question: do you know any of these guys?"

"Only the lizard. That's Dr. Curtis Connors."

"Wait. That's a man?" Ned gasped, quick to leave the three to go over to said man.

"Of course I am," he finally spoke up, definitely scaring them.

"He was a genius until he went all crazy and tried turning everyone into lizards and- it was this whole thing."

"Norman Osborn was a genius too," Otto scoffed, "Just don't tell him I said such a thing."

"Okay so you said Norman Osborn was sick and turned crazy, right?"

"But our Norman Osborn just got sick and died. There was no crazy there," Michelle frowned, "Harry would've told us if-"

"Harry?" Max perked up, "He still here? Oh I wanna see him."

"What's with your sudden interest in Harry?" Lennon asked suspiciously.

"We may have been something of... friends in my world. He helped me out when others wanted to lock me up. So, kindly, bring me Harry Osborn."

"What now?"

"Peter!" Lennon's attention was immediately on him, "You're back! And... who's this?"

"This is Norman Osborn. Why do you want to see Harry?"

Otto shook his head in utter disbelief, "Norman. How are you- what are you- how are you here right now? You're dead."

"Rest assured, I am very much alive... and confused as to what the hell is going on right now."

"Except you're not Norman Osborn," Michelle frowned, "Sure, you're creepy like him but not him at all."

"Your son, Harry," Ned now pulled up a picture of them, "Is this how he looks like?"

"No," Norman frowned at the picture, "He's much too young to look like that. Who is that?"

"Lemme see, kid," Max asked eagerly, making Ned go to him with his phone on full display.

"Lennon," Peter went over to her anxiously, "Why is that guy so interested in Harry?"

"It's probably nothing-"

"Yeah, that's not him. My Harry was badass. Took his father's company by the balls. Looked creepy as hell too but-"

"I think that's just in the Osborn genes," Michelle shrugged, "When Harry had the flu that one time, he looked so-"

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