Camping pt. 1

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Okay so it's finally here, you get to camp with Tuna. Oh and his hair is so perf, just sayin. hope you leik et


"Hey wake up" someone said shaking me lightly "[y/n], wake up it'th time to go. Come on" the voice said softly.

I open my eyes to find Tuna on top of me. He smiled when he saw I was awake. He leaned his face closer to mine until we were practically breathing each others air.

The thought of this made me blush profusely. I saw him smirk at my tomato red face. He leaned in closer until I felt his soft lips on mine.

He pulled away and looked in my eyes. "Get ready" he said getting off of me. I groaned and he threw clothes on my stomach.

"Oh this is totally what I would wear everyday it's not degrading at all" I say in a sarcastic tone.

"What?! It'th not like I gave you a bathing thuit and told you to wear that all day!" He defended while rummaging through my stuff.

"Well.......kinda did, look at it." I say holding up the torn tank top and the worlds shortest shorts.

"Okay fine wear thomething that doethnt make me want to fuck you, jutht meanth you won't be getting thith tonight." he said turning his head away.

"Who ever said I wanted it?" I questioned under my breath. He smirked at my comment.

"Thollux did" he retorted raising an eyebrow. My eyes grew wide at his answer. I told sollux hoping he wouldn't tell anyone but I mean, telling Mituna?! Dave or karkat fine but really?!

"No he didn't" I say hoping he was lying.

"Oh tho it'th true, you really do want me" he says smirking. My face burns with embarrassment as I pull the covers over my face. "awww come on" he says tugging at the blanket.

"no." I say scrunching my nose. "only if you get out of my room, go wait outside or something." I say kicking him off the bed, he landed with a thud. He rubbed his head and got up.

"fine jutht, go quickly." he said waving his hand and slamming the door...........loudly.

"god he is so....." I sigh thinking to myself, I can't believe he would wake me up so early. I grab something out of my dresser and something from my closet and throw it on, I grab my bag and try to open the door. "Let me out" I groan kicking the door.

"only if we get to share a tent, and cuddle in that same tent." he says in a very persuasive voice.

"ugh fine just lets go" I huff angrily, I hear a slight chuckle as he opens the door.

"Should I carry your stuff madam?" He questions fancily bowing slightly.

"Yeah sure" I shove my stuff on his face and he grunts. I walk towards the door leaving him behind.

"Oh yeah your tho nice leaving your boyfriend behind, I thwear that woman ith going to kill me." he mumbles dragging my unnecessarily heavy luggage.

>time skip cause I'm lazy af<

"I nefurr get to do any-" nepeta was shut up by karkat kissing her.(Talya doesn't ship Nepkat so she almost killed me) I wonder if that's what me and Tuna sound like....nah probs not.

"Tho [y/n], you wanna go thwimming yet?" Tuna asks with his best rape face on.

"No, I think I'll make you wait for these honey buns" I wink jokingly although I don't think he took that as a joke.....

"Get a room you twwo" a familiar voice says from behind, I can tell Mituna is gong to be pissed he's here but I invited him.

"Wow you've got thome nerve coming here today Eridick" Tuna says pushing me towards the cabin. I grab some things and run inside so I wont have to see anything I don't want to.

I hear yelling coming from outside, it seems like forever until Tuna walks in. He slams the door behind him and walks towards the couch. I sit down next to him and grab his hand and entangle my legs with his.

"So where are we going to set up our tent?" I ask resting my head on his shoulder. He sighs and shrugs his shoulders making my head go up and down with them.

"How bout we go look now, be good tho I could clear my mind." He said picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. I giggle as he begins walking out the door.

"Put me down." I whined lightly punching his back.

"Whatth the magic word?" He asked playfully poking my side.

"Put me down please." I jab his side and he puts me down.

"Tho what do think?" He said pointing off somewhere, I was to busy staring at him to notice.

"Hmm?" I ask idiotically, "oh yeah that's fine" I snap out of my daze.

"Go help Jade do thomething or other." He says waving towards the cabin, whats he gonna do make a surprise for me? Doubt it.....maybe.

I walk back into the cabin and find Jade fumbling with random things for example: a vase, a toy cube, a very random gourd, an oboe and a handful of bullets......I should probably help her.

"need any help there?" I ask sarcastically, she turns and drops everything to come and hug me. Saw that coming.

"It has been forever!" she yelled in my ear.

"Uh Jade, It's only been a week maybe two." I say pulling away from her hug of death and happiness. "also uh, why do you have so much stuff?" I ask scratching my neck.

"oh ummm well me and Dave thought wee might need it so there it is, I guess you do not really need an oboe in the wilderness huh?" She says pursing her lips. I laugh way to hard at that ccomment and she stares at me like I'm crazy until she then joins in with the crazy laughter.

The door swings open and Karkat stares at us like were crazy, he then joins in the laughter but his is sarcastic and mean :(

"ha ha ha, now have you seen Nepeta, I lost her when I went to the bathroom." He said slumping down on the couch.

"really? going to the bathroom, you lost her by going to the bathroom." Jade says packing the bullets into her pocket.

"well I told her to stay but you know how she is, she sees a butterfly she goes and chases it." He says rubbing his eyes out of exhaustion.

"yeah I guess, have you checked to see if she is with Equius?" I ask picking up the now broken vase.

"no, I guess that would make sense." He says getting up to leave. As he leaves someone else walks in, I can't tell who because I'm busy cleaning up the broken vase pieces.

"shit" I say loudly, I cut my hand on the glass. "holy fuck that hurts" I mutter. Someone grabs my hand and puts a band-aid on the cut. I look up to see Eridans worried face.

"Are you okay [y/n], be more careful next time." He says in a shaky voice.

"yeah....yeah I'm fine thanks to you" I say looking at my hand.....he's still holding it.

"good, I don't want you to get hurt like that again." He says gripping my hand a bit harder, he pulls my hand closer to him which pulls me closer.

"Why do you care so much Eridan? i broke your heart, I thought you would hate me" I look down in shame, I feel horrible for hurting him but it was the right choice......I hope.

"I still love you [y/n], nothing can change that...." He says pulling my head towards his. He leans in closer to me, i know I shouldn't but I lean in too. This is than why does it feel right? "I wish you would say it back, I know you won't but that won't stop me from loving you" he gets closer and our lips meet.

"Jegu2 fuck Tuna'2 gonna be 2o mad Eriidiick." Sollux says.


so cliffhanger is bae, but the next chapter is probably gonna be the same length. Sorry for misspelling, I drag my fingers when I type also my thoughts are scattered so I type quickly to make sure i get the idea on the page before it leaves me :)

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