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                             words are fun hehehehehehehehe oh goodnessss the Eridan thingy was a surprise, but I wanted some drama and i wov my Eripoo *swoon


"so Eridan was all like,'ya friends cool sob sob' and Im just like wtf bro we were supposedly moirails for a long time their.......when did you want to be kismesis?" I explained to Feferi. She laughed at this, really at everything I say lately........

"I remember when Hhe did that to me.....thought I liked him, like hell no. No one likes Eridan, not like that at least.......gotta feel bad for him though, gonna be a lonely old man." she said gripping her coffe mug. I got her into liking coffee, but it has to be sweet or else she won't drink it.

"nah, maybe he'll find a girl that falls madly in love with him......hopefully he won't ruin it!" Fef giggles and sips her coffee.

Sollux sneaks up behind and my grin grows wider, he swiftly picks her up making her drop her mug. Being the skillful ninja I am I grab it (with out spilling a drop < lie) before it hits the ground. She is giggling and screaming like me a head ache.

sollux gently puts her down and starts making out with her, ewwwwww. (not....kinda hot actually :|)

I slowly back away from the love birds and find myself in a library. wait what. I mean I know I zone out a lot but what?

"Oh hey [y/n] whatcha doin?" Someone asked, wait I know that voice.....oh gog.

"Hehey Vriska, I'm just lookin for a read.....cause its a book." I say turning to face her.

"Oh Gog you are bad at small talk. You doing anything next weekend?" She asked tossing a book over her shoulder. HIW COULD SHE? THESE PEICES OF LITERARY ART ARE SUPPOSED TO BE HANDLED WITH CARE AND LOVE! OH THE HUMANITY

"Uh nuthin, why?" I ask, not even caring about the bool she just threw. she chuckled. Oh lord what's that mean?

"Good, I want to invite you to come camping-er sorta kinda not really......yeah no we're just staying a a cabin for a few days. wanted to know if you would come, Ya know since your boyfriend will be there." I feel my face heat up.

"Boyfriend? Me and Mituna aren't even dating, I mean we are going out on a date tonight but that still hasn't happened yet." I say nervously.

" ah whatever just tell me if you want to go or not." she says blatantly. I nod " what's that supposed to mean?"

"Fine, I want to go camping with you." I say sighing. she does a small fist pump.

"[y/n] likes me and wants to go camping with me!!! Woot woot, but be ready by 10 on Saturday I'll pick you up." She says handing me a piece of paper. I open it and it reads

You and tuna gonna get it oooooooon allllllll night long! ;;;;)

"THATS NO-" I shout to no one in particular. I look around to see she's gone. spider bitch you will pay for the lies you've told! (Say that in a godly voice please)


Time skip cause I'm lazy :D

Igathered my courage and knocked on the door. it opened immediately to an excited Mituna. He didn't have his helmet on so it just made the situation even better.

"Want popcorn?" He asked motioning in his 'hive', no really why do they call it that....... I nod and look around. I've never actually been in their hive before.

"Nice place." I say walking towards the couch, it has a few bee pillows on it but other than that it's normal.

"So are you going camping on Saturday? If not I highly suggest it, were going swimming so you'll be able to see" he motions to his currently not sexy body "thias" he says jokingly.

I begin to relax on the couch a bit more and soon find my self cuddling one of the bee pillows.

"When are we gonna 2tart the moviie Ii'm bored." sollux shouts in a lazy manor.

"You are not crashing our date sollux go somewhere else just not here. leave, shoo, get" I say demandingly, I start making those 'git' gestures that you make to your dog.

"Okay fiine" he starts mumbling swear words under his breath. his door slams loudly.

"He's like a hormonal teenage girl" I scold as Mituna sets the popcorn bowl I front of me.

"Dont." he says pointing at me. I scowl and he pulls the movie out of the case. I quickly grab a piece before he notices and chomp on it. loudly.

"Ou! What did I say?" He says looking at me sternly I roll my eyes and look away.

The movies starts and he sits next to me. I scoot in closer until we were sharing warmth.

"Someone's eager." he says eating popcorn.

"Not my fault your house is freezing, practically the North Pole in here" I scowl.

"Well I like it, both the cuddles and the temperature." he says kissing the top of my head.


Well I'm to lazy to write the whole movie out but wasn't that just so cute? No it was horrible any who I have great plans for this and I'm naming the lemon chapter lemon so you can skip it, or skip to it ;) if your like me.......dont be like me please.....just save yourself

PQ Out!!

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