chapter 27

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I looked around my room,trying to find some empty space on the walls for the new project that was swirling inside my mind. I saw my Manchester poster and instantly took it down creating more space.

There was a knock on my door as my twin peeked inside my room. "Hey Aid",she said in her sweet angelic voice. However gooey people said it was,I loved my twin as much as I loved myself. She was a part of me just as I was her's.

"Hey Anne",I said in my husky-breaking voice. Puberty was the devil. "Whattya doin?",she asked jumping on my bed beside me. "Just looking at some ideas. I'm thinking about putting up some pictures or something."

Her eyes widened and she said,"That's so awesome! Can we do that in mine too?"

"Sure Anne",I chuckled.

After two hours of mine and Anna's hard work, the wall above my desk was decorated with a big collage of Polaroids.

There were so many pictures of me and Anna with Mom and Dad or some of my friends. But my favorite one was Anna on my back smiling widely. She was squishing my face like a fish and my cheeks were strained from trying to hide my smile. True happiness.

"Twins",my mom called out as she knocked on my door. "If you're doing something that you think you don't want me to see then shut it off."

Anna rolled her eyes but a small smile played on her lips anyways. We loved our mom. She was silly and sweet but caring at the same time. Trust me when I say we have the best parents in the world.

"We're good mom",Anna chuckled. The last time mom had walked in my room, we were watching an horror movie and let me say mom isn't a big fan of those.

The door opened and my beautiful mother walked in. She looked exactly like her old self that we'd seen from their photos before marriage. Except some features that I can't really put my finger on. I think it's called age.

"Wow",she said as she took in the little masterpiece we had created. She trailed her fingers on the many photos and smiled reliving the memories.

She turned around and smiled at us. "Your dad and I were wondering if you want to go to Cousins this week?"

"Yes!",I and Anna screamed. We loved Cousins beach and the house. Our parents told us they used to go their every summer but sadly we went there only one week because now there were so many of us that we decided to share the whole month of summer by dividing the month into three familie's weeks. And the last week our mom's took us kids alone. Much to my dad's,uncle Jere and uncle Steve's dismay.

"Well this year we decided you guys could bring a friend each",my mom smiled.

"I'm bringing Gray",I said as I divided on my bed to call my best friend.

"Mom you can't make me choose between my three best friends",Anna whined. I stuck my tongue out at her and said,"That's why you should have one best friend."

"But you are my best friend Aid",she cooed. My heart softened at the truthfulness of words. "Aw Anne,don't worry. Anyways I'm calling Gray so you'll have your sweet company. Maybe I can call another one of my friends."

She smiled at me and said,"Yeah,you're right. I'll just hang out with you boys. You can call someone else as well."

"For real?"

She nodded and smiled.

"We're going to Cousins!",Anna said as we all buckled up in our car. "Yes Anna-bear we are",I laughed. "I love Cousins",she said. "We all do Anne",my dad said from the drivers seat.

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