Chapter 14

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I slowly opened my eyes, and yawned. My chest felt super heavy, something was on my chest. Or someone. I looked down and saw the familiar blue hair of Trixi and almost screamed. We didn't have- I was glad my thoughts were cut off by Trixi's groan. She shifted, and her arm moved from her side, to my chest. Her head was resting on my chest, and her body was practically spooning my side. After several moments of confusion, I remembered what happened last night.

I sat up and merely fell off the bed to a frantic scream, the scream belonged to Trixi. From the sound of her voice, my first guess was that she was hurt.

"Trixi..." I pulled off the covers and ran out to the hallway. "Are you okay?" no response. I kept walking towards the guest room, where she was staying. "Trixi? Trixi?!" I heard nothing but the subtle scurrying of the animals that lived around my house. But now, I was getting really worried. "Trixi?!" I opened the door to her room and looked around. At the end of the bed, under the blankets, was a lump the size of a curled up Trixi. I pulled the sheets off the bed and crawled over to where she layed, putting my arm on her shoulder. "What's wrong, Trixi? You're safe, don't worry..."

"I... Tom... nightmare... fire" She said while waving her hands around in between tears. She sat up a bit and scooted a little closer to my side, wrapping her arms around me in a big hug that I returned. I had no idea what to say... or do. So I just stayed there and hugged her for a few minutes.

I looked down at her and she looked back up, both of our faces were red. "Um, I... had a nightmare. About when Tom... he burned me." She whispered, gesturing to her face.

"How could he do something like that to someone so pretty?" I sighed before I realized that I had said my thoughts out loud. "Uhh...I meant like... I didn't... oh man." Beyond all expectations, my fumbling over words made Trixi laugh a bit.

"Honestly, I have no clue... but I'm pretty sure he has something against my dad." I nodded and we sat there in silence for another minute.

"Wanna go watch a movie?" I asked, even though it was 2:30 in the morning. "I think I have some popcorn, and some cookies." Trixi's face lit up, and she nodded eagerly. "Alright, want to watch in the living room, or my room?" I asked, and she seemed a bit surprised by the question.

"Your room..." I was surprised by her answer, "Your room will have better blankets. I'll go grab the snacks!" She said as she bounced off the bed, her long braided hair flowing behind her.

I set up a bunch of pillows on my bed in a mini-fort and Trixi came in with a small platter of movie snacks.

"What movie do you want to watch?" I asked Trixi, bringing out my small basket of DVD's. She sifted back and forth a couple of times, and plucked out the case for Moana. "Hm, interesting choice." I chuckled. As I had recently learned, Trixi liked my laugh.

"Oh come on!" she smiled wide, "You can never go wrong with Tomatoa!" I nodded in agreement and popped the CD into the DVD player.

We got under the blankets and waited for the movie to start. About half-way through the movie, most of the snacks were gone and Trixi was well on her way to falling asleep. I picked up my phone and set it up so that my TV would turn off as soon as the movie ended. Another twenty minutes passed and Trixi had fallen asleep on my shoulder, and I myself could feel my eyelids getting heavy.

"Sleep well, Trix..." I said with a yawn as I scooted deeper into the covers and fell completely asleep.

I smiled at the memory of the night before and slowly started getting up, when Trixi's tired voice interrupted me once again.

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