Chapter 5

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I rolled over in my sleep, and my arm smacked the side of the bed that Ollie would usually be asleep on. As I swung my legs off the side of the bed I heard Ollie shout "Yes!" from downstairs. What did he do? I thought to myself as I rubbed my eyes to wake myself up and started walking down the stairs and into the living room.

"What happened Ollie?" I said as a yawn escaped my throat.

"Look, look, look... dang it!" Ollie said as he shoved his phone into my face and then yawned. "You made me yawn... But the school is giving us three weeks off because of what Aric did! It's perfect! Me and Trixi can face our fears now!"

"I'm not sure that's what the school wants, I think you guys are supposed to rest..." I said as I led Ollie into the kitchen and started putting together breakfast. Before I could do that, Ollie grabbed one of my horns, yanking me face level with him, and stared me down.

"It's a MUST, babe." He said, and let go of my horn.

"Ollie! Mason! Did you guys get the email?!" Trixi shouted as she ran down the stairs, waving her phone in the air. "You know what this means?" Her mischievous smile told me exactly what she was going to say.

"We can face our fears!" They shouted together. I knew that once they were both convinced of the idea, it would be like trying to convince small children to pick broccoli over ice cream.

"You guys should be relaxing and taking it easy, not running around Elementix trying to become fearless!" I said, but they just looked at me like I was crazy.

"Well, if we just sit around and be lazy lumps and return to school as weaklings then we will just get beat up again!" Ollie said, throwing his hands up in the air. "Hey Trixi, we should go over our notes again, see what our plan is for the next few weeks." Trixi smiled, and ran upstairs, I'm pretty sure she was getting the papers.

* * *

Both Trixi and Ollie had come down the stairs in their clothing for the whole day, Trixi was wearing one of Ollie's navy blue hoodies with a blue-gray t-shirt, her washed-out jean shorts and her white ancient-greek sandals that she seemed to always have. While Ollie was wearing his favorite jacket again, with his rainbow pride shirt, a pair of ripped jeans and his Vans shoes. He pulled his wireless headphones out of his bag, and put them around his neck.

"All set?" I asked him, wrapping my arms around his neck, and plopping a kiss on top of his head. I grabbed both Trixi and Ollie's bags, and threw them over my shoulder.

As we walked out of the house and into my truck, we had all packed backpacks with the essentials: changes of clothes, toiletries, and extra money for food, sunscreen and more. Ollace and Trixi had planned the next few weeks according to their list, first we would go to Earthix to conquer ducks for Ollace and butterflies for Trixi. The inside of the truck was fairly roomy, Ollace was riding shotgun beside me and Trixi had the whole backseat to herself.


As we drove along the lake we were going to stop at, I held Mason's hand, I was terrified. I am going to get chased by a duck! This is going to be bad.

"Roll down the window, babe." I demanded politely. When he did, I stuck my head out like a dog, even though I was part German shepherd, but whatever.

"What are you doing!" Trixi laughed.

"Taking my mind off the fact that in a little bit i'm going to be duck food!" I cried out, and Trixi just laughed harder, Mason's hand patted the top of mind in comfort.

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