chapter six

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Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Fourth Year

My fourth year definitely had an interesting, or should I say absolutely infuriating, start.

To my dismay, Black's presence didn't cease. I'd be on my way to my next lesson and he'd mysteriously show up. I could be finishing up homework in the Common Room and suddenly he'd be right next to me. Even during meals, I didn't get a reprieve. While talking to Hestia or anyone else he interjected himself as though we were old friends. The only place I could escape his presence was the library. Still I made sure to sit in the deep recesses hidden in darkness.

The worst part was I was the only one that it bothered. Hestia was used to him since they were both on the Quidditch team. She didn't seem to care about having him around. If anything she enjoyed it and actually laughed at his dumb jokes.

Severus didn't seem to note a difference since the Marauders always appeared when he was around. I had noticed Black's teasing had become increasingly harsh. I knew this really got to Severus and I tried to defend him to the best of my ability. I had already gotten some detentions because of my efforts.

When I told Lily of my troubles she hardly paid any mind to it and instead advised to just ignore him. I'd tried that but the prat only became more annoying. I suppose I couldn't garner much sympathy from her seeing as she had to deal with Potter and his hopeless crush.

"I'd say your method's correct too. Actually, it's probably better than mine since you don't have to do all these extra steps," the older boy said.

Arithmancy was quite difficult but luckily Remus had offered to help when he saw me struggling. We were sitting in the Common Room discussing the lesson I'd just begun learning and it was going smoothly. Remus was a good friend and incredibly smart so it was nice to receive help from him as well as just chat.

I was getting the hang of what I was doing when I saw the chair next to mine occupied by none other than Black.

"What are you up to?" he looked down at our work, "Ah! I can help you with this, Evans. I actually took Arithmancy last year."

I wouldn't ask Black for help even if he was the most skilled Arithmancer in the Wizarding World.

Remus shuffled in his seat contemplatingly until he finally said, "Didn't you end up dropping it because you were failing?"

I let out a laugh and Black sputtered indignantly. The two boys went back and forth until Remus gave a half-hearted apology for "exposing and betraying his best mate."

As much as I enjoyed hanging out with Remus- not so much Black- I had plans to meet with Severus. With Lily busy with Prefect duties, we were spending more time alone and I was ecstatic. Of course, I knew nothing would come from it but I could dream.

"Hey Remus, I have to go but thanks so much for the help."

"Anytime," he said with a smile and went back to the essay he had been working on before.

Black was strangely quiet as I packed but I was grateful for it. Unfortunately, as I made my way out I felt him coming up behind me. I quickened my pace but he caught up anyways.

"Oi, you're really quite fast. Might want to join Quidditch, see how well you do on a broom. You'll give Hestia a run for her money, that's for sure," I didn't respond. "How've your classes been? I remember Moony was already studying for O.W.L's this time last year. He had us all doing flashcards with him as though he didn't have a whole year to prepare."

I continued ignoring his attempts to start a conversation. Was he kidding? Did he really think after the constant years of bullying my best friend I would ever have a civil exchange with him? He was obviously barking mad.

I turned a corner and as hard as I tried to shake him he remained. I wish he would leave before I got to the Courtyard where I was meeting with Severus but he stayed like a stubborn stain.

"Are you going to Hogsmeade this weekend?" His question caught me off guard and I turned to look at him. For some reason, he was giving me a hopeful smile.

"Listen, I don't know why you're suddenly so interested in me and what I do but you need to stop," I said with a serious tone.

His behavior this year was throwing me off and honestly driving me crazy. I didn't know what had changed but he had gone from occasionally teasing me when I was with Severus or Lily to talking and being around me all the time. I was starting to think it was some long drawn-out prank.

His smile faltered but he quickly recovered, "I'm just trying to be friends. What's wrong with that?"

I whipped around to face him completely, "Are you insane? You and your mates have bullied Severus since he started school and for no reason. Why would I want to be friends with someone like that?"

His smile finally dropped and he looked at me angrily, "Oh please, Snivellus always gives as good as he gets. That dungeon bat deserves anything we dish him."

I couldn't believe how utterly mean he was being, right after he had mentioned wanting to be my friend. There was no chance in hell of that happening. I would never associate myself with someone whose idea of fun was causing another person's distress.

"Don't talk about my friend like that, you prick! You'd be lucky to be even a fraction of the person he is. He's smart and considerate while you'll always hide behind dumb jokes and a superiority complex," I was breathing heavily by the time I was done talking.

There weren't many students where we had stopped but those that were passed by giving us an odd look. I didn't blame them, it must have been a strange sight. Black was always such a happy person and only ever turned an angry eye to the Slytherins.

He apparently wasn't finished as I had hoped, "Why do you defend him so much? He's really not at great as you deluded yourself into thinking. I mean you must see how he makes fun of the other Muggleborns with his Slytherin buddies. And what about all the awful things he's said or done back to us? He's no better than us, and yet you gladly give him your friendship. I don't understand!"

I was shocked at what he brought up. Had I not noticed the snickers and remarks Severus and his friends made or did I ignore it? Was I being hypocritical like Black claimed?

"Is this pillock bothering you? Is that why you were late?" Severus' voice came into earshot. On any other occasion I would have been happy to hear it but after what Black had said it just filled me with dread.

"Oh piss off, Snivellus," Black spat. Severus did nothing and instead just stood there glaring.

Not getting a response he simply shoved his hands in his pockets in a defeated sort of way. Before he walked away he urged in the most serious voice I'd ever heard him speak in, "Think about what I said, Prim."

I was frozen much like at the Sorting Ceremony and simply watched him walk back presumably to the Gryffindor Tower.

"What a prat," remarked Severus as we watched Black retreat. Usually, I would agree with him but this time I remained silent.

bloom • sirius black • marauders era | book one Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon