Chapter Forty Four

Start from the beginning

Should I tell Noah about that? I don't want confrontation between them, so perhaps I should keep it to myself until this is all over.

"Yes. I think Noah is done with sharing," Cian comments sourly. Looking between them, it takes all my effort not to roll my eyes.

"That an understatement," Noah replies.

Cian gives me a long, lasting look, as if he suspects I may change my mind at the last minute. "Let's just finish this, shouldn't we?"


Noah had already prepared a Gaze Reader to meet us in his home.

No words come from anyone as we sit down in his living area, all on separate chairs around a small table. The Gaze Reader is the same one from my last attempt, where I changed my mind. I'm too frightened that one word may send everyone spirling into a fit of anger, even if both Cian and Noah seem rather solemn right now.

"This is a permanent change. It cannot be undone," the Gaze reader reminds me, looking both Cian and I directly in the eyes, making me shiver. Noah and Cian have already argued earlier about allowing Noah in the room, since he doesn't have to be involved in the separation at all.

The door opening behind us makes me flinch. Whirling around, I meet Stace's gaze as he walks in, looking over us with a rather triumphant expression on his face.

"Don't worry, Gaze Reader," he says, waving his hand dismissively toward her. When she looks toward Noah for permission, and he nods his head, she quickly leaves. "I have this one."

Cian immediately stands up. "I don't think so."

"Sit down, Greed," Stace mutters, coming around to take the Gaze Reader's place. "Your fate is going to be the same regardless of who does it."

I had no idea Stace had the ability to do this the entire time. I know he's powerful, especially in his position from where we come from, but I could have never predicted this. He sits opposite me now, hair dark and mussed, tattoos swirling up to his jawline in that strange, unique manner that I've yet to ask him about.

I narrow my eyes on him suspiciously. "Can you really do it?"

"Yes, oddly enough," he responds. "I've been doing this for people since I was a boy. It's common for people from our realm to end up with two mates. It's nature's cruel way of trying to pass magic down bloodlines, even if it often doesn't work that way."

Cian doesn't look pleased, and I can't blame him for it. The history between him and Stace is far deeper and far darker than anything I am aware of, and I'm not sure I want to delve into it. It appears that Stace is on a revenge mission for everything that the immortals did to his people. I should be just as angry about it, and I am, but I can't bring myself to hate Cian for it.

"What sick enjoyment are you getting out of this?" Cian questions, finally sitting back down after he had abruptly stood, not wanting Stace to think for a moment that he is vulnerable.

"Plenty of enjoyment, trust me," he replies, that smile only growing. One moment Stace looks like a terrifying King with unspoken powers that are completely unmatched, and then the next moment, he looks like a spiteful man who wants nothing more to avenge his people.

Cian doesn't respond, a coolness settling over the room.

Stace pulls a small object from his pocket, shaped like a crystal ball placed within a small frame. All of us eye is warily as he places it down on the table before us, the surface of the ball reflecting hues of pink, green and blue.

"Cian and Abella, place your hands on this," Stace instructs, motioning toward us. Both Cian and I exchange glances before we both oblige. If this is the way to do it, then we have to, even if it upsets Cian that Stace is doing this. At least I know that with him doing it, the bond will truly be severed, and will never have the ability to be reconnected.

"Is this really going to work?" Cian questions flatly, his fingertips brushing against mine as our hands find the strangely smooth surface of this ball. It's most definitely not from this realm, and perhaps
is something Stace fashioned himself.

Stace gives him a sharp look. "Close your eyes. I'm going to sever the bond now."

I do so, letting darkness consume me for a long, painful moment. Yet nothing happens; no unbearable amount of pain, no feeling the bond be ripped apart between us. The only thing I feel is my heart rate increase in anticipation, and my stomach drop at the reality of what is happening right now.

"It's done," Stace says.

Opening my eyes, I blink past the light. "Really? I didn't feel anything."

"Yes, it's done," he replies solemnly. "You can go now."

Looking toward Cian, I startle at what I see. Nothing has changed about his appearance, however, he looks slightly different to how I remember him, like a mask was put over me that has suddenly been removed. He's no longer my mate, so I'm seeing him as I would see any other male. He's still stunning and exotic in his appearance, but doesn't have that appeal that is unique to mates.

He takes one look at me, and disappears, a vacant space being all that is left behind.

"Don't worry about him. I'm going to speak to him again, ensure he doesn't come back to you again," Stace tells me as he gets up, slipping that strange contraption back into his pocket. In other words, he doesn't want Cian seeking revenge, or killing me because of what I am.

"Don't hurt him," I plead.

"I'm not in the business of hurting people today, Abella," Stace tells me firmly.. "Even if he deserves it."


Want to read ahead? Noah is now officially completed over on RADISH. Go check it out!! (:


Cian now has his own story up in Radish! Feel free to check it out, but not before completing Alpha Noah (:

Cian now has his own story up in Radish! Feel free to check it out, but not before completing Alpha Noah (:

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Instagram: Sophie_Midika

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Instagram: Sophie_Midika

~Midika 💜🐼

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