You & I

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Did they ever hold each other tight like us?

Did they ever fight like us?

You and I we don't wanna be like them

We can make it til the end

Nothing can come between You and I

Not even the gods above could separate the two of us

"I remember Anna. I remember everything" Harry whispered and I just sobbed into his chest curling my fists into his shirt.

"I love you so much. I love you" He said over and over again making sure it drilled into my mind. I was a mess. Unable to say anything I crashed my lips too his.

We sat on the floor tangled into each other. Our bodies fit like puzzle pieces. Harry had been crying too. I could taste his salty tears on his lips.

Life felt good again. I thought I had lost Harry forever. That thought terrified me. I had become so attached to him. I need him like I needed air to breathe. I don't know what I would have done without him.

I pulled away from the kiss too look into Harry's green eyes. I rested my forehead on his. We sat there for a while not saying anything just embracing and kissing.

Eventually he looked at me, with his eyes red and puffy, like he was trying to memorize every single bit of me. His eyes trailed from my face too my body. Not in a hungry way but in a loving way. Like he was savoring me.

"I love you Anna" he whispered leaning his forehead on min "I love you too Harry" I could hear his heart beating and it was a beautiful sound

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"I love you Anna" he whispered leaning his forehead on min "I love you too Harry" I could hear his heart beating and it was a beautiful sound. "Do you want too watch a movie?" he asked and i chuckled.

"Yeah it's been a long day" I tell him truthfully. He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. I shriek and and laugh as he runs down the stairs with me in his arms. When he sets me down he looks me in the eyes "I'm gonna have to go back on tour. Come with me. And when we get back come move in here. I know it's a big step but Anna I know that I want to spend my life with you. I am ready to make this step with you if you are."

He intwined my fingers with his. I knew the answer without any other thought "Yes Harry. To both I know I won't be able to stay away from you again." He kissed me again. We eventually pulled away and turned on the Note Book.

Me and Harty have watched this many times together but it was our favorite. Harry eventually fell asleep and I didn't want to wake him up so I cuddled up too him and tried to fall asleep on his chest.

I focused on his slow breathing and his beating heart. I looked up and watched him. He looked so peaceful and beautiful. I took in his every feature while he slept. He got a small smile on his lips and murmured something I couldn't understand.

I ran my hands through his messy hair and then planted a soft kiss on his forehead before returning to his chest. I closed my eyes and drifted off into a peaceful bliss.

Everything was good again.

Our love won.

ARE YOU GUYS CRYING??? Coz I am! I love this chapter so much. Hope you all enjoyed!!;)

Anna ~hs~ *editing*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora