chapter five👑

Começar do início

"The Latte's foam is not enough"

"Just have it have it like that please"

"But it taste awful"

He called his assistant again and told him to bring another latte,if possible extra foam.

"Babe" he called after the latte arrived and she was happy with it. She looked up and hummed in response.

"How would you like to join me and the guys later this evening for a hangout"

"Thanks but no thanks"she brought the latte close to her lips and dragged a sip. "You know that me and Aaman in the same room always ends up in a bloodbath"

"And that is why I'm asking you both to get along,for my sake"

She rolled her eyes heavenward and smiled. Those kind of smiles that she rarely lets out except she's with Khalil or any other person she's close to.

Fauziya kept him busy by filling him on what latest happenings at the studio and how all the crew drives her crazy. Khalil listened attentively without saying anything apart From oh really, you can't be serious, uh huh and unbelievable.

She knew about Khalil's reputation as a playful player but that didn't stop her from keeping her hopes up about her being the one for him. In all of her years, she has always been scared of one thing apart from Allah and that was Khalil rejecting her because she was madly in love with him.

Her phone's ringtone distracted her from her thoughts. She glanced at the caller's ID and rolled her eyes. She wondered what her manager could possibly want at that time when she was clearly not in the mood for work.

She reluctantly answered the call "what do you want Marisa?" She asked immediately she slid her thumb across the screen and skipping pleasantries.

"You've got to be kidding me" whatever her manager said really infuriated her because she angrily shot out of her seat making Khalil to look at her.

"Okay I'll be there soon" she angrily disconnected the call and turned to Khalil softening her look at him. "Sorry babe, I'm needed at the studio"

"Why? I thought you said today was your day off"

"I also thought so too but my photoshoot that was scheduled till tomorrow was moved to today because of a useless excuse"

Khalil gave her a smile while handing her handbag to her. "I was really looking forward to spending the rest of the day with you and the guys"

"I know and I'm sorry" she said buckling the straps of her heels and shoving her phone into her bag. She was really sorry but work was work and she needed to be on her way.

Khalil stood up too and kept his laptop on the table before throwing his overcoat on "shall I walk you out milady"

"Of course" she chuckled and together they walked out of the office.

When he got home, he was glad that he was able to sneak by his mother's room without her noticing but it was only a matter of time since Zulfa was at home.

He had his shower and donned up a grey hoodie and black jeans. He opened the drawer were he kept all his wristwatch collection was and scanned through it before finally picking his favorite,his F.P Journe. It was one of the things he got during his last visit to Dubai when he last went there for a short break with his friends.

Next he slipped on his Reebok sneakers and sprayed himself with his Oudh edition, golden Oudh. When he was set and ready,he picked the car key Aston martin. Realizing how tired he was,he dropped it back.

Altered Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora