Pepperoni Pizza

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He stares at me with pure hatred, it makes me smile.
"Why did you want to meet me?" He spits out at me.
"Well, we need to resolve this, don't you think?" I say kindly, although this angers him more as he clenches  his jaw.
"The only resolution I want is your death" he leans forward.

I look out of the window towards the van, I make eye contact with Jace and nod, which gives them the signal and they begin to make their way inside. I turn my attention back to Thomas. I lean back in my chair and cross my arms as I smile at him.

"Well that's not going to happen bud" I say softly, he lunges forward across the table and starts to choke me with all of his strength, I laugh as I stare into his eyes, while I quickly grab one of the knives from my waistband and press it against his neck firmly.

The guys burst through the door and once they notice what's happening they rush over and start to drag Thomas out of the diner and shove him into the van. He put up more of a fight than I thought he would but it was 4 vs 1 so he didn't stand a chance.

Jace jogs back inside as I stand up, I return the blade back to my waistband. He tilts my head upwards and examines my neck, I'm assuming that there's marks as he's growing angrier the longer he looks, I place my hand on his cheek and kiss him.

I pull away and place a $100 bill on the table, I turn towards the waitress who is behind the counter, she looks shocked at what's just happened. I smile at her as she stares at me blankly.
"Sorry about that" I state as I grab Jace's hand and walk out of the diner.

We hop into my jeep and drive back to my house, the van is long gone at this point. The next stage of the plan is happening, I'm not allowed into the board room while it happens. As we pull into my driveway, Jace stops me from leaving the car by grabbing onto my arm.

"Does it hurt?" He asks while pointing towards my neck, I pull down the visor and open the mirror compartment, I see the bruise starting to form where Thomas' hands were, I sigh as I flip the visor closed again and look at him.
"I've dealt with worse lately" I say as I peck his lips and climb out of the car.

I know that I'm not supposed to go into the board room but I make my way there regardless, Jace follows me.
"Kady, no, you're not going in there" he pleads with me, I turn around to face him.
"But why? I want my face to be the last thing he sees" I say as I flutter my eyelashes unattractively, he sighs and admits defeat because he can't be bothered to argue with me. So we head to the room.

As I walk in, I can hear shouting and grunting and then I see my father infront of him, interrogating and beating Thomas heavily. He's covered in blood but he doesn't answer my father at all.

Thomas' eyes meet mine and his instantly turn cold, my father notices that he's distracted with something behind him, so he turns around, my father is instantly annoyed and sighs when he sees me.
"Jace, you were supposed to keep her out of here" my father says, Jace tries to argue back but doesn't know what to say until he says "you know what she's like".

"Well I'm here now" I say as I walk towards a tied up Thomas, we're intensely staring at each other as I crouch down and smile at him.
"Hey bud, how are you doing?" I say to him kindly, he spits blood onto my face.
"Fuck off, you killed my brother you bitch!" He shouts through gritted teeth, I nod as I stand up and wipe the blood from my cheek.

I walk along the table slowly choosing between what I can use. I pick a steel bat up to examine it.
"I didn't kill anyone" I say as I turn my attention back to Thomas pointing the bat towards him.
"He got what he deserved... and so will you" as I finish my sentence I swing the bat at his knees as hard as I can, I watch as he writhes in agony, it honestly felt amazing.

I walk back over to the table and place the bat onto the table nicely and walk away. As I'm walking to the door.
"Finish him and I'll order pizza, is pepperoni good?" I say to everyone in the room. Just as I reach the door, I turn around to see Jace punch Thomas, he turns to me and smiles.

"Pepperoni's good"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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