Laughing In Unison, It Was All For Naught In The End Part 4

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The female servants all trembled in fright, they kowtow and said: "We deserve to die, Honorable Master please show mercy!" Child Elder said to Xu Zhu: "The servants from Clear Heaven Division finally found me, their punishment can be reduce a little, as for the servants for the other eight divisions, break their hands or legs, you can do whatever you want to them." the female servants kowtow and said: "Many thanks to Honourable Master." Child Elder shout loudly: "How come you didn't kowtow and give thanks to your new Master?" the female servants quickly kowtow and give thanks to Xu Zhu. Xu Zhu wave his hands randomly and said: "Forget it, forget it! How can i be your Master?"

Child Elder said: "Although my life is nearly over, but i witness the death of that treacherous ****, i also found a successor for my entire lifetime of martial arts, i can finally die contented, unexpectedly you refuse to accept my request?" Xu Zhu said: "This....i really cannot do it." Child Elder laugh out loud, she smile and said: "The lady in your dreams, you want to see her? Do you agree to become the Master of Vulture Palace?" Xu Zhu heard her mention 'the lady in your dreams', his entire body is shaking, he cannot refuse, he blush and nod his head. Child Elder said happily: "Very good! Bring that portrait over here, let me tear it up personally. When i have no more worries, i will direct you to find the lady in your dreams."

Xu Zhu fetch the portrait. Child Elder took the portrait, she look at it under the sunlight, suddenly she cry out in surprise, her expression was shock yet happy, she examine it carefully again, she burst into loud laughter and shouted: "Its not her, its not her! Haha, haha, haha!" while laughing, two stream of tears roll down her cheeks, her neck soften, her head lowered, she did not speak anymore.

Xu Zhu was startled, he stretch out his hands to support her, but her bones are like cotton, she curl up and shrink, unexpectedly she died.

The group of green-cloak females surrounded her, they weep loudly, they are extremely mournful. All these women are recued by Child Elder under extremely dangerous or distress circumstances, although Child Elder is very strict but they are very grateful towards her.

Xu Zhu recalled how he stayed closely beside Child Elder for the past 3 months, how she impart him numerous martial arts, although her temper is perverse but she treat him extremely well, now she died with a laugh, he is really sad, he lie prostrate on the ground and cried.

Suddenly he heard a soft and sorrowful voice behind him: "Hei hei, martial sister, in the end you still die before me, so who won?" The voice is from Li QiuShui, Xu Zhu had a huge shock, he pondered: "How come the dead person can revive?" he quickly leap up and turn around, Li QiuShui is sitting upright and leaning against a tree, she said: "Martial nephew, bring that portrait over and let me see, how come elder sister cry and laugh before dieing?"

Xu Zhu pry open Child Elder's fingers lightly, he took the portrait and look at it, the portrait was soak wet and dried in the sun, the brush stroke is vague and fuzzy, however the beautiful woman in the painting still look like Wang YuYan, her eyes and smile, its really difficult to describe her elegance, Xu Zhu's heart is moved: "The general facial appearance of this beautiful woman is quite similar to martial aunt." he walk towards Li QiuShui and gave the painting to her.

Li QiuShui took the painting, she glace horizontally at the group of females, she laugh indifferently and said: "Your Master fought a fierce duel with me, in the end she is no match for me, all of you are like firefly, you dare to compete with the sun and moon for light?"

Xu Zhu turn around, the group of females are holding their sword hilt, their expression full of grief and hate, evidently they want to kill Li QiuShui to avenge Child Elder, however because they never receive the orders from their new Master, they don't dare to act rashly.

Xu Zhu said: "Martial aunt, you, you....." Li QiuShui said: "Your martial great aunt's martial art is very good, but sometimes she is not very meticulous. How can i hope to resist if her helpers arrive here? Naturally i have to fake death, hei hei, in the end she die before me. Her bones and tendons are broken, her martial arts scattered, she can't fake this method of dieing." Xu Zhu said: "Previously during the fierce battle in the ice storehouse, martial great aunt also fake death and trick martial aunt, both of you are equally matched."

Li QiuShui sigh and said: "In your heart, you are slightly bias towards your martial great aunt." she unfold the painting, she look at it for a short period of time, however her expression change greatly, her pair of hands trembled, the painting also trembled, Li QiuShui said softly: "Its her, its her, its her! Haha, haha, haha!" her voice is full of pain and sorrow.

Xu Zhu cannot help but feel sad for her, he ask: "Martial aunt, what happen?" he pondered: "One of them said, its not her, the other said, its her, but who is this person?"

DEMI GODS AND SEMI DEVILS BOOK 4 OF 5 (SONG OF THE CAVE IMMORTAL) by Jin YongWhere stories live. Discover now