Before Ron could even continue, a soft giggle interrupted our argument. My eyes slashed to the perpetrator and of course it was her. I shot her a daring look and she just walked away that smug look still on her face. She's distracted me again, Harry and his friend slipped away as soon as they got the chance.

The day was terrible, I felt more isolated than usual, but maybe I did that to myself, so hung up on that girl, she really boiled my blood and we'd barely had a conversation. I sunk into my bed, wanting sleep to drag me away. Goyle made his way into the room slugging around, he rubbed his stomach which he'd just forced the whole sweet jar down, he looked like he was about to burst. He plonked himself on the edge of my bed, confusion clouding his thoughts, I cocked a brow at him.

"You don't seem yourself." He commented. Usually I'd sit in the dorm, laugh and joke with everyone else but due to the sore day I couldn't think of anything worse. Nothing bothered these lot and I wish nothing bothered me.
"You guys left me in positions." I admitted. I sound like a child, the one thing I didn't want to be. But it was hard to forget the aching feeling that clutched on.
At first, I was annoyed about the leaving me out all summer but now the thought truly saddened me. I felt like everyone else was in on some inside joke that I wasn't a part of. It was like I had been forgotten about but not just by them but by my parents also. Of course, I was spoiled with gifts to attempt to make up for lost time, but the feeling dragged, and nothing seemed to help.
"Sorry mate." His heavy arm rested on my shoulder. "It wasn't on purpose, we honestly forgot to tell you, with not seeing you all summer-"
"Yeah and who do you blame for that?" I barked anger spiking inside me. I felt the sharp edges scratching at my skin, unable to push them back. He looked down at the floor, guilt look again.
"It wasn't on purpose, you were busy, you said." He searched for the words, shameful excuses emerging out.
"Let's just forget about it." I shook my head, the sharp edges melting into the pit of loneliness. "You'll have to make it up to me." I elbowed him and his dark smirk returned. We'd been friends for the longest of times, I wasn't going to throw away a friendship away just because of something minor, I had to remind myself it was minor.

"So how was positions." Goyle diverted the conversations and what was a glimmer of happiness for those short seconds was instantly shattered, I felt my face twist in an uncomfortable knot.
"Some newbie-"I exclaimed hands flying up in the air. "Gryffindor of course." I emphasised and Goyles face mirrored my same expression. "Completely ruined it, she sat next to me." His eyebrows shot up. "And she mocked me. Don't let me forget she's home schooled, probably doesn't know a spell to name. She could even make Neville look talented." I concluded. I liked to think of her that way, irrelevant it fed my ego at least.
"Wait!" He shot you remembering something. "Bell? Bea?" He picked at her name trying to remember it.
"Blair." I interrupted and be shot up again.
"Yeah that's it's I've heard some things about her." He nodded to himself recalling conversations he'd had earlier on in the day. "She's a mind reader, well so everyone is saying. Might just be a rumour. But apparently all her family are gifted." My opinion shifted slightly but only for a moment. Gifted Wizards are very rare, they mostly come from a strong bloodline, which would make sense to why she was so smug. But reading minds? I didn't know if I believed it, just a rumour I presumed. But what if she could? What had I been thinking of? Just how incredibly annoying she was I'm sure. "Came here after travelling around Europe or something." A wealthy family I thought to myself. I tinge of jealousy hit me as I remembered my dream to travel somewhere far away with my family. She didn't even know how lucky she was and now she's trapped herself here, how foolish.
"Explains a lot." I rolled my eyes.
"I haven't seen her yet, but a lot of people have their eyes on her." He continued. I thought back to the way Ron looked at her. Hungry. I didn't think she was anything spectacular, peculiar looking was how I'd remembered but not in an ugly way. The image of her was getting blurry, the only thing that stood out was the dark green eyes, inviting I thought again.
"She's nothing special." I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't understand what the fuss is about." I scowled uncontrollably.
"Guess it's just because she's new?" Goyle questioned more to himself than asking me.
"I'd take a bet it dies down in a few days once they all get their head out their arse!" Goyle laughed with me. Not like she would be interested in any of those idiots, I hope she enjoys the attention whilst it lasted.
"Wanna play a game?" He got the card packet out his back pocket, the edges were crumbled by where he'd been sat on it. But I'd ignore it and took his invitation it felt nice to be included.

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