[Does user want to Soul bound Hellsling]

"Yes" I Mutter as the Symbols glowed blood red.

"Grow" I say as it grew making the staff grow creating a crater.

"Now let's do this" I say as Monica and Eric Jumped while I flew.

The Yeti Lords jumped off the Smoke.

I Use the Staff to Wack one sending him back to the smoke.

Then the staff burned as I twirled it around.

New Skill Learnt
Ninjutsu:LVL 1
The Ability to spin and your Element protects you and more importantly Don't get Dizzy.

I Used [Ninjutsu] to burn the Yeti Lord Alive.

As I point the staff to another Yeti Lord trying to attack Eric.

The Staff turns into a Halberd as I throw it The Yeti Lord wasn't so lucky as it Stabbed him with fire making him explode.

Hellsling came back to me as I grab it and started running.

I Flew to the Last Yeti Lord and [Ninjutsu] Him into tomorrow.



[Ninjutsu has levelled up to level 3]

I land in the ground looking badass my green emerald eyes were the only thing seen in the Dust.

[Secret Mission: Completed]
Defeat The Yeti Lords

+2,000 XP
+200 Friendship Points with Eric
+200 Friendship Points with Monica.


[Hidden Quest:Completed]
Look Badass

+1 Custom Casual Outfit
+1,000 XP Points.

"So are you gonna train me now" I say holding Hellsling with my right Robotic Wrist.

3 Weeks Later


Master Swordsmanship:LVL Max
The Ability to use sharp weapons like how you breath.

Aim:LVL Max
The Ability to Aim weapons like kicking dirt.

Lightning Manipulation: LVL Max
The Ability to Manipulate Lighting Easily.
10 MP Per Second.

Lightning Bolt:LVL Max
The Ability to throw Lightning Bolts Like arrows.
50 MP Per Use.

Flame Manipulation: LVL Max
The Ability to Manipulate fire like a second Sense.
5 MP Per Second

Fire Ball:LVL Max
The Ability to shoot Balls of Fire.
30 MP Per Use.

Flame Barrier:LVL Max
The Ability to protect or trap your opponents in a Barrier of Flames.
50 MP Per Minute.

Fuzzy Domain:LVL Max
The Ability to Make your opponents dizzy and slow.
100 MP Per Minute.

Meteor: LVL Max
The Ability to send giant balls of fire to the Ground.
200 MP Per Ball.

Meditation: LVL Max
The Ability to Gather Mana around you to replenish your own Mana.

Aura(Inside):LVL MAX
Aura Inside is the ability to gather KI as you fight KI is the physical Presentation of Energy while Mana is the Spiritual.

Aura(Outside):LVL MAX
Have Aura outside looks cool right like Reinforcing your body with Mana but this uses KI creating an Aura.

Pickpocketing: LVL Max
Doing a lot of theft lately huh,well with it max you'll never get caught,oh shit the feds are here.

Sprint:LVL Max
Evolved from Dash run away johnny law will never catch me.

Stealth:LVL Max
Are you a Ninja because I don't see you,really where are you.

Masking:LVL Max
The Ability to Mask your presence no matter the Person unless it's Divine.

Ninjutsu:LVL Max
Use your Element and slap people with Your power.

"Well See you later" I Say as I wave goodbye to Eric and Monica.

Then it all goes black.

Gamer × Highschool dxdDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora