Chapter I

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"Kaguya-sama, what did you just say?"

Hayasaka couldn't believe what her mistress was telling her. After all this time, after all her countless attempts at pushing Shirogane Miyuki to confess his love, she was...she was...

"Yes, you heard right, I want to tell President that I like him"

The blond-haired maid almost choked on her own saliva. She looked at the window overlooking the Kaguyas' vast garden, filled with all kinds of flowers which names even she did not have knowledge of. The rainbow-painted paradise gleamed under the setting sun, the light descending upon it as if from the heavens. Hayasaka being inside the house seemed to her like a prison, an unbreakable wall depriving those who lived behind it from growing under that heavenly light. To break out, one needed to simply open the door. Sounds easy, doesn't it? Yet, why were they still here, after two years of hope slipping between their fingers like water in an open palm?

"Kaguya-sama", the maid started, her voice embracing its usual monotony. "Are you really going to do it?"

Kaguya looked as excited as a toddler seeing his very first toy. At this point, she was practically beaming. She nodded, and nodded, and nodded until she saw Hayasaka's eyes lose the light in them. It was her cue to start talking.

"You see", she said with a voice her maid knew only too well. The unmistakable squealing sounds filled the blond-haired girl's ears, resonating in her head like a death sentence.

Or worse, a very poor plan.

"I heard the students in my class talk about this new manga which came out. It tells the story of this girl who wants to communicate her feelings to the one she loves but could never find the courage. Then one day he tells her he's moving out of town because of his father's business, so which pushes her to finally confess to him."

"And?" , Hayasaka urges her to continue. She hoped she was wrong in her predictions on what was yet to come out of her mistress's lips.

"You are going to drop a copy of that manga in the student council's room. Then Fujiwara-san will definitely find it and start blabbering about the whole story. Then I will suggest she goes and looks for the owner, for it was most likely Nagisa-san or her boyfriend. For they were the only ones who ever come here besides us"

Hayasaka Ai couldn't help but sigh. She could tell this plan depended on her almost entirely, to keep any intruders from getting inside the student council's room while Kaguya did her thing. She made a mental note to come up with better ideas if this one didn't work, which was most likely to happen.

"So", Kaguya continued. "I will--"

Ai tried to picture the scene her mistress was telling her like that of a movie.

The rustling of papers coming from the President's desk resonated in Kaguya's ears right before she said her fateful confession. As she predicted, he was so startled the pen fell from his shaking hand.

"I like you"

Three words. A blush. A look in the eyes. The silence following the ultimate truth, and that silence was more than enough for Kaguya.

" how the heroine must have said it in that manga Fujiwara-san took away", Kaguya finally said, struggling to hide her smirk.

President remained silent. His expression was indecipherable. She noticed he wasn't blushing any more.

"I see", he said, plunging back into his studies without uttering another word.

That was her chance. It was now or never.

"But President", Kaguya started. "Why were you blushing so hard? Did my acting fluster you that much? Could it be that..."

"No, what are you talking about, Shinomiya? It's just awfully hot in here, perhaps I have a fever.."

"Really?" , Kaguya tried to seem concerned. She could tell he was lying through his teeth.

"Let me see"

She approached him slowly until she stood in front of his desk. She leaned over and put her left hand on his forehead, her right on her own cheek: a calming gesture she developed due to recent events.

"Shinomiya, you' re--"

Their lips were inches apart when the unpredictable happened.

They heard a scream.

Faster than lightning, Kaguya moved away from an embarrassed Shirogane Miyuki.

"What--", Iino Miko looked at both of them like they outright ran from a mental hospital. "What are you doing?"

"Iino-san, let me explain--"

"I...I don't think...", then she ran away, slinging the door shut behind her. The sudden sound made Kaguya nearly have a heart attack.

She was shaking all over from the shock. She reluctantly turned to President. "A-At least you don't have a fever, right?"

Shirogane nodded, his eyes filled with the same terror as Kaguya's.

....And that was how it was most likely to happen. This means that she must never underestimate Iino Miko's powers, lest her mistress's plan failed. 

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