54. He belongs to me

Start from the beginning

“Yeah, Jungkook, sorry..I was s..sleeping. Why did you call?” I ask trying to control myself.

“Uhm..okay..sleep. I'll call you later,” he says.

“Oh c'mon, then why you called now? S..say it and leave me alone for some time,” I say in annoyance. He is silent making me totally regret what I said. “Jungkook...”

“Nothing. I won't disturb you again. Sleep,” he says in a hoarse voice and ends the call.


I throw the phone on the table and rub my face, feeling crazy. I close the laptop and take a deep breath to calm myself. Then I get up and walk towards my bed, falling on it feeling completely exhausted.


A warm hand pat on my back. I open my eyes and roll onto my stomach to see my Mom standing beside me.

“Come, let's have dinner,” she says smiling.

“I don't feel hungry, Mom,” I say whilst tilting my head to look at the clock. It's past 8 pm.

“Why don't you feel hungry?” she frowns. “C'mon, get up. Your Dad is waiting for us.”

At last, I end up walking down the stairs with her. I occupy a chair and silently start having dinner whilst thinking why Dad and Mom didn't try to get back their real son even after Jungkook got completely cured of brain tumor. Where they afraid of the consequences they will have to face? Yes, it's a crime. If the truth comes out to the public, they will have to pay a huge compensation to Jungkook's family or will have to go to jail.

I honestly don't feel mad at them for switching me and Jungkook. Jungkook would have died if they didn't do it. And I don't regret growing up as their son and hyung's and noona's little brother. They all showered me with so much love. I'm only happy to be here. But I wonder how they could abandon their real son and give me all the love.

And do they know where Jungkook is right now and how he is doing?

Probably not. At least they don't know much details about him. If they did, they wouldn't have sent me to the same school he is in.

“What are you thinking about?” My Dad then asks from across the table.

“Uhm..nothing,” I shake my head and start munching on a piece of pancake. I feel Dad and Mom side eying me while eating. Mom is a lot nervous since yesterday evening after I asked her about Dad's blood group.

I keep on debating whether to tell them I found out I'm not their biological Son. I don't actually want to let them know. But I want to be sure about my real parents. I need to know what exactly happened at the hospital. But for that, I'll have to reveal about Jungkook and how I found he is their son. It will be a real shock to them. Then eventually I'll have to confess we are dating and it will be another heavy shock. No! I can't suddenly give them this much shock. I'll better pretend like nothing happened.

But, one day, I'll have to tell them about Jungkook. Sure, I'll have to tell them, cause I don't think he will ever break up with me. He loves me too much, almost in a creepy way, that frightens me but at the same time fills me with joy and hope. I love him too. And now that I know he is my hyung's brother, I want him in my life. I want him to be with me, forever.

“Hey, why are you now smiling?” Mom asks and I look up from my plate in surprise. Was I smiling? If so, I'll be the first person to smile after knowing I'm not my parents' son.

“Who were you thinking about?” She quirks an eyebrow at me, just like how Jungkook does.

I couldn't help but smile more. “No one,” I shake my head.

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