27. Kiss/Slap

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Taehyung's POV

When I walk out of the chemistry lab along with Yebin, someone is standing beside the doors of the physics lab with their hands crossed over their chest, staring shamelessly at me. Yeah, none else than Jungkook.

"Hi!" He waves at me, bringing a bunny smile on his lips. I let out a sigh. This is the 7th time, he is saying 'Hi' to me today.

Today whole day he has been seeing me after every hour. He shows up at the doors of every class I'm about to enter, just to flash his bunny grin at me. Everywhere I go, he is there. He has somehow got my timetable. Or else how he correctly knows my hours? I highly suspect Gayoung. It must be she who secretly took a pic of my timetable and send it to him.

I think both Gayoung and Eunwoo are supportive of Jungkook in this matter. Probably I'll soon need to have a serious talk with both of them. When I told them everything, I thought they'd understand me and stand with me. But they are now supporting Jungkook instead of helping me out of this situation.

"Hey," Jungkook says walking towards me whilst smiling. I don't respond. I'm already tired of his behavior. He is clinging too much to me that people have started getting suspicions. I noticed people in the Maths class, especially girls whispering things between each other whilst looking at us. I can guess what they were mumbling about.

And I've decided I need to stop this as soon as possible.

"Hey..I'm speaking to you," Jungkook says snapping his fingers in front of me.

"Yeah, what you want?" I ask.

"C'mon, let's go have a coffee from outside," he says and reaches to grab my hands.

I shake my head. "I'm not coming. And Jungkook, j..just leave me alone."

He frowns at me. "What's the problem now?"

I let out a sigh again. "You are the problem. I can't h..handle it anymore!" I scoff shaking my head in frustration. I was already starting to feel like crazy because of him. As much as I love seeing his face and seeing him smile, I don't want this. This is going too wrong.

"C'mon, let's talk," he says before grabbing my hands and dragging me with him. A few people on the corridors look at our intertwined hands and I feel really uncomfortable.

"Leave my hands, Jungkook.Okay, let's t..talk. I'll come with you," I say and he finally frees my hand.

We continue to walk and he takes me to the backside of the school where there is a medium sized ground, partially filled with green grass. Only a few people are there and most of them are sitting and standing by the rectangular swimming pool towards the other side of the ground, separated by railings.

"Have you come here before?" Jungkook asks.

"No," I shake my head. Although Gayoung told me about this part of our school yesterday, I didn't bother to visit yet. But I must have found this place earlier. It's really beautiful.

"Come," Jungkook says and guides me towards a tree on one side of the ground.

Jungkook sits down on the grass beneath the tree and I follow him in suit.

"What's wrong?" he asks me after a few seconds.

"I- I can't deal with this, Jungkook. Let's c..cancel the two weeks deal," I say.

"What is that you can't deal with?" he asks.

"This! What is h..happening right now. Jungkook, I just wanna be f..friends with you. I can't see you anything more than that," I burst out. And he clicks his tongue on his cheeks making me nervous and also angry. He sits like that with a pissed face, his gaze on a faraway spot while my heart beats like crazy.

"Are you scared about what people would think if you date a guy?" he asks after what felt like hours to me.

"N..not actually. First of all I'm not g..gonna date a guy. I don't like g..guys," I reply.

"So, you like girls? You like that girl, Yebin? What were you talking and smiling to her so much inside the lab?" he asks turning to me, his voice suddenly cold and harsh. So, he was again peeking at us through the window. I look at him almost taken aback.

He quickly looks away brushing a hand through his hair as if regretting what he just said.

"Yeah, what if I l..like her?" I ask. He tilts his head back to me, his lips part a little in surprise. "I told you I- I'm not gonna like you that way. Jungkook, I agreed to your d..deal only because I wanna continue to be your f..friend. But I'm already t..tired of your behavior," I say and avert my gaze as his eyes were staring intently into mine, making me almost shiver.

"What did I do?" He asks. "I didn't do anything yet. And I'm also tired of this good boy behavior," he says and suddenly grabs my chin.

He pulls me forward but I manage to slap away his face before his lips touch mine. "STOP!" I almost shout, jumping up from the grass, totally astounded.

Jungkook's eyes widen in shock as his hands move to palm his cheeks.

"Enough! I- I can't d..deal with you anymore," I snarl furiously. "It's better I end my f..friendship with you than dealing this. Why can't you j..just understand I don't like you?"

He looks at me with burning eyes.

"This is over! D..don't come in front of me again."

With that, I turn around and walk away furiously.

When I reach back at my dorm, Gayoung isn't there. I slump down on my bed, tears pricking the corners of my eyes. I just slapped Jungkook!

He made me do it. I wanted to deal with him gently but he exceeded the limits today. Maybe he won't talk to me again. Probably our friendship is over now.

But that's better than letting him behave that way towards me.

I walk to the bathroom taking a pair of clothes. I step into the shower and more tears run down my cheeks at the thought that I slapped him.

When Gayoung arrives after almost an hour, I'm sitting on my desk doing my Maths homeworks. She closes the door behind quietly and walks to me, sitting down on the chair beside me. I'm sure she already knew what happened.

"You slapped Jungkook?" she asks lowly.

"Yeah," I say nonchalantly whilst continuing to solve the problem I was doing.

"Why?" she asks.

I sigh but don't avert my gaze from my notebook. "Because he t..tried to kiss me. You might have known already."

"I thought you liked him," she says lowly.

"Did I ever tell you I like him?" I ask her, dropping my pen and tilting my face to her. She shakes her head whilst biting down on her lips. "I t..told you clearly that I don't like him. When I told you guys everything, I- I th..thought you'll talk to Jungkook and d..dissuade him from this. But you two...did the opposite. And it reached the point where I had to s..slap him."

"I- I'm sorry Tae," Gayoung says lowly.

"Please just don't..support him again. Cause I can't see him that way. If possible, please t..talk to him and make him understand things. I just s..see him in the place of my brother," I say.

Gayoung nods to me pressing her lips together. "I'm really sorry. I'll talk to Jungkook. He won't behave like that again."

I nod to her and avert my attention back to my book. She sits there for a few more seconds before she quietly gets up from the chair and then go out to the balcony, picking her phone, probably to call Eunwoo or Jungkook.

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