Chapter Two

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                Ezra excused himself in order to help the others remove the trunks that had been attached the rear of carriage. This left Briallan on her own with nothing but her thoughts to keep her occupied. This was most unfortunate considering they’d proven to be poor company as of late and didn’t show any signs of improving given the current circumstances.

                It was during moments like this that Briallan wondered why she had agreed to this whole charade. She hated the stiffness of it, from the people down to the very clothing - even the damn shoes. What choice had she had once she’d allowed herself to be seduced into the king’s bed? Even to that end she suspected foul play. The king, the charming, and nefarious Braedon Galloway loved by all, had invited her to dine with him. It fact, he had practically begged her. After all he’d done for her ill father, how could she decline? He had played the part of gentleman well, so well that Briallan failed to realize the trap until it was too late.

        The wine they shared was dark, potent and sweeter than any she’d ever had. It also flowed more freely than she was used to, and before she knew it she could barely stand. Bria would not have consumed so much had Braedon not felt the need to mention her late husband. At the time, the pain had still been so fresh, so raw, that she’d wanted nothing more than to drown it. 

        So she did.

        In truth, she remembered little of the dinner, or the events that followed. What she did recall with startling, horrifying, clarity, was waking in a sweaty tangle of bed sheets, and royal arms that drew her close at the first sign of movement.

        In that moment, Briallan knew she was ruined. It wasn’t that she aspired for another husband, one had been more than enough, but she valued her reputation. The ‘king’s whore’ was not a title she could have borne with any sense of pride or dignity.

        What was worse, while she did not remember her night with the king, her body certainly did. Needless to say, the man had made quite an impression. So, try as she might to ward off his advances, she found it more and more difficult to turn him away. Briallan discovered that in the moments she shared with him, the pain receded to the back of her mind, a dull ache instead of a constant throb that invaded every part of her being. Briallan felt whole again, and for once that feeling carried with it, no strings, no bonds of love, and no way to get hurt.

        Being broken made it easy to compromise.

        The sound of approaching hoof beats drew the young woman from her thoughts. Briallan looked to see if anyone else had noticed, but they all seemed quite engaged in their own dealings. Rising to her feet, she peered into the gloom of the forest, breath caught in her throat as she waited. Had she simply imagined the sound?

                It wasn't long before the horse came into view. Briallan watched with a sense of growing horror as the animal drew closer, and it became more and more apparent that the beast lacked something vital - the rider.

                “Ezra! Elias!” She shouted, moving towards the animal which had come to a stop a few yards away. It looked as though it was having trouble standing and sure enough the animal toppled over with a heavy thud. Was it dead? Exhausted? From a distance it was impossible to tell. What she could make out, even in the gloom, was that the stallion’s gray flanks were splattered with blood. What Briallan couldn’t tell, however, was if it belonged to the animal or the missing rider.

                “Your highness! Wait!” Ezra shouted. Briallan took a few more steps before she felt a hand curl around her forearm. She turned, surprised to see the angry look on Ezra’s face.

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