"What?" he asked. 

She snapped out of it. "I said I don't know, mate." she said, embarrassed. 

"Since when are you Australian?" he laughed. 

"I'm not, just thought it'd be fun to say!" she nervously laughed. 

"Why don't we go to the mall? We can walk around and maybe go to park afterwards?" he asked, completely oblivious.

"That sounds great!" she giggled, and they started to walk to the mall.

This was one of the only times that Izzy had been able to have alone time with her triangular savant, and she was very excited about it.

"So... 8th grade, huh?"she asked. 

"Yeah... it feels like summer's flown by with all the fun stuff we've done." he replied

"It really has, except there's one thing I haven't done..." she mumbled the last part. 

"What was that?" he looked at her.

"Oh, nothing." she blushed and looked at the ground. How was he so oblivious? 

When they reached the mall, they went to Mr. Slushy Burger first. 

"Oh, hey, guys! Finally together, huh?" Jeremy asked, assuming they were on a date of some sort. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" Phineas said, confused. 

"Oh... nothing, just that I usually see you with the rest of your friends." he said, after seeing Isabella's scared face and motioning to stop with her hand across her neck.

"Yeah, it's kinda weird, huh? Everyone else was busy today." he said, unknowing, and paid for two Slushy Dogs and handed one to Izzy. 

She took it, thanked him, and they walked around the mall laughing and talking about what they had done and all the memories they had together. 

After walking around for an hour or so, they left and walked to the park, where they got ice cream. 

"Oh, look, there's a tree!" he exclaimed, and rushed over to it. 

"Yeah, there's a lot of those here!" she joked and sat next to him. He laughed and they ate their ice cream.

Izzy was having the time of her life, just hanging out one on one with the boy she liked, even if he didn't think of it as anything more than a friendly hangout. 

"Hey, Phineas, we should do this more often." she suggested. 

"I'd like that a lot, Izzy!" he smiled. "Maybe next time the others won't be so busy. Not that I don't like hanging out with just you!" he said.

"I get it! Hey, I have an idea!" she said.

"What is it?" he asked, eyes wide. 

"Well, since we are ending summer soon, maybe we could have a sleepover or something, with all of our friends, and we could do a barbecue and maybe a theme park in the backyard!" she suggested. 

"That is a great idea, Izzy! I can ask my parents later today! We have done a theme park separate from a sleepover, but we have never done them together! Hey, what if we made it a school themed park?" he said, and Izzy swore she could see the gears turning in his brain. His smile got wider, and his eyes brighter, and he just looked very cute.

"That would be fun, Phineas! I can't wait!" she giggled, and he turned to look at her. 

"You know, you have a lot of good ideas, you should speak your mind more often." he said.

Carpe Diem - A Phinabella StoryWhere stories live. Discover now