Nu ABO: A Memoir by Park Jimin (Chapter 2) - JiKook

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Nu ABO: A Memoir by Park Jimin - decompositionbooks



When Jimin was five, he learned that boys and girls were different, learned it the hard way when he accidentally played too rough with a girl in kindergarten and the teacher scolded "Jimin, that's inappropriate" and "girls are delicate." He burst into tears, not understanding what he did wrong, why it was okay for him to play with Junho but not Soomi, why he was getting scolded when Soomi clearly started it, she pushed him down first. The teacher took one look at his tears and told him, "men don't cry". Needless to say, his exposure to the standards of masculinity started real young. It snowballed from there, baring its teeth in subtle ways, in his gym teacher's tsks when he preferred to sit on the bench, in his parents' raised eyebrows when he told them he wanted to pursue modern dance. They didn't bat an eye when Jimin wanted to do sword fighting. For whatever reason, they thought sword fighting was a lot more realistic and relevant than modern dance was when, hello, sword fighting's basically the same thing but with a sharp phallic object.

A few years later, Jimin learned through a poorly taught sex-ed class (read: abstinence class), that it wasn't just males and females that were different, but also alphas, betas, and omegas. The teacher had only touched upon omegas briefly, with more than a little disdain, but made it clear that alphas and omegas were on complete opposite sides of the spectrum. Unfortunately, Jimin's own recent ethnographic research kind of supports the teacher's argument, says that he differs from Alphas in at least four distinct ways—not including the molecular and anatomical ways of course, but let's not get into that because Jimin's sources are probably inaccurate anyway (courtesy of Namjoon's alpha/omega porn and Korea's own poor sexual education system).

In a nutshell, Alphas were masculine. And, as luck would have it, society claims that being a gay omega male makes Jimin as far removed from masculinity as possible. So of course, the only way for anybody (Jungkook, his mind offers) to take him seriously is if he became a manly, take-no-shit-from-anybody Alpha.


Unfortunately for him and his efforts in reclaiming his manhood, his dignity, and subsequently his hyung status, what Jimin has in mind goes completely against everyone else's plans for him.


Trial #1:

His size is apparently a dead giveaway for his non-Alphaness.

It makes no sense because Yoongi isn't much taller than him, but the universe has also given Yoongi athletic skills and a deep husky voice—neither of which Jimin has. The coordination that Jimin's gotten from dance doesn't transfer over to sports, so that's out of the question. And when he tries to lower his voice, all he gets is a sore throat and a few laughs from the other members. Big Hit always put him on the falsetto notes anyway. Maybe they've somehow molded his vocal cords from a young age, unwittingly played with his omega hormone receptors and altered his genome.

Well, two can play that game. If he can't do anything to fix his voice or his athletic abilities, he could at least change his height. Sort of.

Taehyung's the first to comment when Jimin slips in an extra insole (or two).

"What the hell—were you always this tall?" he says when he tries to rest his elbow on Jimin's shoulder only for it to crook up awkwardly. Jimin pretends not to notice and shrugs Taehyung's elbow off, scoffing, "obviously. Don't tell me you just noticed now."

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