Nu ABO: A Memoir by Park Jimin (Chapter 1) - JiKook

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Nu ABO: A Memoir by Park Jimin - decompositionbooks


The world didn't think it was necessary to give him a guide when it shoved all of these omega hormones at him, so here it is, Park Jimin's handbook on dealing with heats, unrequited love, and Jeon Jungkook.



He must have done something bad in his past life—maybe he was a thief or an Alpha supremacist or something—because sixteen-year-old, brushes-his-teeth-with-two-toothbrushes Jungkook presents as an alpha. He returns from his vacation taller, broader, and surrounded by a thick cloud of alpha pheromones and the hyungs slap him on the back, grinning and cooing, "our cute little Jungkookie grew up." Jimin forces himself to join them, pulls himself off of the couch in order to congratulate Jungkook but it's a slap in the face to Jimin who has only ever seen Jungkook as his "little Jungkookie," when Jimin has turned eighteen and still didn't pop his knot yet. He's seen the speculations all over the fancafe—Armys threw their money in the cash pool betting on the outcome, some even going as far as to dig up the genetic tree and draw outrageously inaccurate Punnett squares that clearly confirm that Jimin was indeed homozygous recessive for the Alpha trait. They really only got the "homo" part right.

Everything changes after Jungkook becomes an alpha. He starts doing weird, supposedly-alpha things like puffing his chest out all the time and collecting definitely-not-unisex scents. He gets bigger too, goes to the gym everyday to put on some size. Worst of all, he refuses to call Jimin "hyung". Like he doesn't take Jimin seriously anymore. Jimin just laughs and mutters, "you brat," ignoring the way his chest falls. It's different now. It's not just Jungkook's height that changes, or his muscles that grow; he gets bolder, a little more aggressive. He also gets too attractive for his own damn good. Jimin realizes that he can't see Jungkook as a maknae anymore, but as a man.

His crush only grows from there.

When Jimin turns twenty, the cash pool empties out and Armys and Jimin both resign themselves to the fact that Jimin is, unfortunately, a beta. If Jimin were to be honest, he's okay with it because he'd rather not be one of the lust-driven, hypermasculine Alphas he reads about in the "trashy omega harlequin novels" (as Yoongi calls them). Somehow the beta-ness and his hyung status evens out, makes him not above, but equal to Jungkook. That's good enough for him.

But no, the ever-loving cosmos decides that Jimin deserves more than being a dime-a-dozen beta. In fact, the world thinks he's so damn special, it decides to have Jimin, at the young, young age of twenty, present as one of the 6% of omega males in the population of South Korea. Fucking fantastic. The least the world could do is to give him some how-to guide or self-help book, something like "A Guide to Being an Omega Male" or "What to Do When You Present as an Omega and End Up Lusting After Your Band-mate" but all the world gives him is a headache, a heartache, and too many damn hormones.


It happens about two months after his birthday. A day like any other. They're drilling the choreography again; they're about four hours into practice and the room gets stuffy and unbearably hot, but it's nothing out of the ordinary, even when it's December and less than five degrees outside. About two hours in, Jimin starts getting a little lightheaded. It normally wouldn't be a big deal, but his body heats up more than usual and he doesn't think it's possible to feel so suffocated in a flimsy cotton T-shirt. And then he feels it—there's a distinct feeling of slick coming from his lower half. He almost brushes it off as the typical sweat pouring from a grueling practice, but everyone's heads whip towards him—he hears a choked "hyung" from the corner and Yoongi's staring at him like he's sprouted two heads. Beside him, Namjoon whispers with incredulity, "Jimin, y-you're—" and he doesn't need to finish because everything comes crashing to a halt and it dawns on him.

I'm an omega.

Then it's like a switch is turned on and his senses are magnified a thousandfold, like he's a blind person who's regained his sight. He smells everything in the room: the sweat on their skin, the makeup on the noonas watching, Yoongi's campfire smoke, Namjoon's soft pine, and then something so, so good it makes his head reel. Before he could figure out where the scent is coming from, the room fades to black and the last thing he sees is Jungkook's wide eyes. In the background, Sungdeuk-hyung calls for one of the omega noonas.

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