*Chapter 1*

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Y/N L/N, a scientist who works for the Technological Advancement, programs androids that currently live in society.

Today, she was getting her one android that everyone is promised. Everyone in the world gets one android from the Technological Advancement to keep.

The androids worked for the humans, and humans ruled over the androids that they created.

Though they are androids, they have been programmed with human qualities and abilities.

The Technological Advancement, the association that created the androids, controls the entire world. They have the technology and tools to keep everyone in place.

The Technological Advancement, TA for short, has made the world a better place, giving the homeless jobs, almost ridding of crime completely, and preserving natural resources.

"Ms. Y/N." A familiar feminine voice called out to the scientist from the other side of the glass doors.

Y/N brushed the non existent dust off her white lab coat. "Open." The glass doors opened automatically and her fellow brown haired coworker came in through the door.

"Hi Ochaco."

"Oh my gosh! Hi! Your getting your android today, right?"

"Yes, I am. I'm kind of excited." Y/N said, looking down and pulling on her shirt.

Ochaco came up and hit her on her back making Y/N yelp out. "I'm sure you will get a nice android! Mine is sort of hard to deal with."

"Oh. You mean Deku? You told me he is a bit jittery and a shy one."

"Yeah he is! But he is hardworking and I don't really have a problem with it! In fact I think he is kind of cute." She blushed and scratched her head.

"You know it's not common for a human to fall for a android you know. Most people use them for work and that's it."

"Of course I know that! But do you think androids can have emotions?"

"I don't know for certain. But if they do, doesn't that make them more human?"

Ochaco opened her mouth to speak but stopped when a male voice was heard outside Y/N's lab.

"Android delivery for Y/N L/N."

"Open!" Y/N said.

The glass doors opened again to reveal a man with a huge metal box that hovered on it's own.

"Please put it here." Y/N pushed her work table away on its small rolling wheels.

The delivery man lightly pushed the metal box into the lab, centering it in the room.

"Arigato." Y/N bowed.

The man bowed back before leaving. The clear glass doors closed behind him.

Ochaco fawned over the box, squealing and putting her hands on her pink cheeks.

"Yay! It's here! Come find me later so we can talk about your android." The bubbly young scientist left the lab.

Y/N watched Ochaco leave, until she was completely out of sight. The faint sound of voices and footsteps could her heard nearby.

Turning back to the metal box in her workspace, she furrowed her brows before crouching and looking at the control panel on the side of the box.

"This should be normal. But what is this feeling?"

She reached and clutched the fabric of her shirt that rested where her heart was.

"I feel nervous. I work on different androids everyday. This should be a everyday thing for me."

Slapping her cheeks, Y/N put on a determined face. "You got this. Stop being a nervous wreck, Y/N."

With her hands shaking slightly, she turned the knob on the little lock, and after inputting the memorized code and it started blinking blue.

Y/N stood up and watched at the cover opened up and she dragged the heavy metal cover off and it landed on the floor with a loud clad.

Wiping the imaginary sweat from her brow, she peered into the box and her eyes widened slightly.

Inside, was her android, he was an interesting sight though. Yes, it was common for androids to have unique looks, but the android laying before her was the most interesting of anything she had ever seen.

His hair was split into two colors, crimson red on his left, and snow white on his right. On his left eye, he had a scar, which made him look even more beautiful.

Her eyes fixed on his body, that laid still and asleep. "He is my android...?"

Y/N hands lightly trailed his arms, feeling his artificial flesh.

"I suppose it is time to start him up... but why do I feel like something is going to happen?" She put a finger to her lip.

Despite her suspicions, she found the small switch behind his ear and flipped it.

Backing away slightly, she watched the android slowly open his eyes and sit up.

"Setting all diagnostics." He said to himself, running a test to make sure everything was working.

Everything came back as positive.

After running the test, he looked up and saw Y/N. "Hello. Would you like to assign me a name?"

Y/N raised a brow before speaking.

"What is your given name, android?"

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