Chapter 3 - First Mission

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Author: Credit to this fan art - piiinkman from DV!!! I really love this fanart and it fits the theme of the chapter.


Third Person Point of View

Sasuke and Naruto are battling with the so-called Anbu. While Kakashi is fighting against Zabuza. Leaving Sakura and (y/n) protecting the old bridge builder. The mist makes it hard for them to see, but they refuse to let their guard down. For long minutes, nothing seems to come their way until (y/n) hears chains. She looks around carefully until she finally spots where the noise is coming from. The chains come out from the small water pools a few inches behind the bridge builder as it heads directly towards him. (y/n) saw it in time and throws her kunai. Hitting the chains, which made them go in a different direction. Sakura notices and still stands and protects the old bridge builder. (y/n) gets ready to fight by turning on her Water Shizengan quickly. The girls look at each other as they both know who those chains belong to.

"So, you came back for more?" (y/n) said out loud. "Why don't you come out. We know it's you, Demon Brothers." They arise from water pools. From what she can tell already, the Demon Brothers looks forward to fighting against her. "Harumo, stay with the bridge builder," (y/n) said to Sakura, and she nods.

(y/n) begins to walk a few steps away from Sakura and the bridge builder, so no harm will come close to them. She bends all water on the ground by her side so they won't escape from one water pool to another. As well as use the water to fight. Meanwhile, Sakura is in a little shock to see she can do that. However, the Demon Brothers' expressions are much pleasing to the sight.

"I see, so you were right, brother. She is from that clan." One demon brother said to the other.

"Told you, brother," the second one said, laughing a little while staring at (y/n). "Like I said before, her clan is known to be very one with nature. They can control all five elements and are very strong. So strong, if you take their eyes and eat them, it'll build up your chakra levels to max based on your chakra nature or ninjutsu you use frequently."

'Is that really true?' (y/n) froze at what she had just heard. She wonders why her brother, grandfather, or even Momo didn't tell her this. Refusing to believe their words get to her, she ignores them and shakes the thoughts. Sakura, who heard what they said, is pretty shocked to what they said. Now paying close attention to her teammate in case of danger.

"And her nature is water like ours. I say let's kill her first, then the old man and her friend." The second demon brother said.

"I agree, brother. I want the unstoppable power!" the first demon brother said as they both run towards (y/n).

(y/n) remembers how fast they were last time. Thanks to Kakashi Sensei's training, she dodges their attacks fast and can sense their moments. With her Water Shizengan, she made a water whip the chins away from her. Then, it changes into small bullets and shoots them with strong force. Enough to make holes on the ground of the bridge.

"Ahhh!" One of the demon brothers shouts in pain.

She finally hit one of them at his leg. Now he's on the ground, clinging on to his bleeding leg. "One down, one more to-"

"(y/n)! Above you!" Sakura cuts (y/n) off to warm her.

(y/n) looks up to see the second demon brother as he throws his chains at her. She moves away and bends the water to hit him at the side. Making him fall and hit the wall of the bridge. However, instead of moans of pain, he laughs. Suddenly, she felt a chain grabbing her ankle and looked to see it's from the first demon brother, who she just hit with a water bullet. Before she could try to free herself, he pulled the chains, which made her fall on the ground. Then drags her around like a doll. Making her hit the wood, walls, and ground over and over again.

My Long Journey as a Shinobi (and to his heart) -  Kiba x Reader Naruto FFDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora