Chapter 58

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                                                                  It's been 4 months since that night. Peyton is getting ready to pop, and Bentley and I are getting ready to move into our new home. We decided to build. I walk into the shop and Bentley is finishing up a tattoo on a customer, so I sit behind the reception desk and watch.

Bentley: You know, Ms. James, I really like the look of you in the shop.....

Harley: Oh? You want me to be your receptionist?

                                                                  Bentley visibly shrugs as he wipes and cleans the tattoo.

Bentley: I wouldn't say no to it. I get to see you all the time......can't find a downside to that. Alright, get up and look in the mirror over there....

                                                                He watches as his client approves their tattoo in the mirror and when they walk back over, he cleans and covers it. Talking them through the cleaning procedure. Signaling the apprentice to clean up, he walks over to me.

Bentley: What do you say? I haven't hired a new one after Rebecca, and Ash has been on my ass about it.

Harley: Baking is my life though.

Bentley: Then work here, become your own boss....

Harley: You mean.....start my own business?

Bentley: Yea. Work here while you build your business.

                                                                   Sighing, I lean back as he walks up and cups my face.

Bentley: Just mull it over.

                                                                   Smiling, he kisses me.

Harley: I will.

                                                                                                                      RING RING RING

Harley: Hello?

Contractor: Hi, this is your contractor, Eric.

Harley:  Oh hey Eric, Bentley is here too, I'll put you on speaker.

                                                                    I put the phone on speaker and set it down on the desk.

Bentley: Hey Eric. Tell me the good news.

Contractor: Your house is offically finished. Your decorator finished up this morning as I finished up the landscaping, time to hire your movers.

                                                                    I squeal and clap. Bentley kisses the top of my head.

Bentley: That's awesome news. I'll get the key from you today. We want to move in ASAP. Peyton is going to pop any day now and I want to get Harley's room cleared and decorated for Peyton.

Contractor: Alright, thank you both for hiring me. Enjoy your new home.

Harley: Bye.

                                                                     Hanging up, I jump into Bentley's arms

Harley: Can we go now? All of the boxes are in storage except for the essentials. Let's sleep there tonight and have the moving company come tomorrow!

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