Chapter 20

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                      Tristan wakes up in his apartment with the worst headache he has had in forever.

Tristan: Fuckkkk what happened last night?

                   Tristan grabs his phone and sees all the missed calls and messages....opening a text from Peyton, he reads it.

Tristan: "Hey, have you seen Harley?"

Tristan: Weird question

                   He keeps reading the other texts.

Tristan: "Harley hasn't come home." "Harley isn't answering." "Harley is missing. I'm calling the cops. "

Tristan: Fuck

                     Tristan dials Peyton. It rings a few times before she answers. She sounds so sad.

Peyton: Hello...

Tristan: Hey, sorry I didn't answer last night. I was out. What's going on? Has Harley shown up?

                     Peyton starts sobbing on the phone. Fuck. I don't know why it bothers me so much that she is crying.

Peyton: No....she's....she's....still missing....Bentley found....her phone in a bush near the apartment....

Tristan: Fuck. I'm coming over. Be there soon okay?

Peyton: Yea...thanks

                 Tristan hangs up and starts the shower. He needs to get this hangover under control.

                                                     20 minutes later

                  He has gotten dressed and is walking out the door. 

              15 minutes later, Tristan pulls up outside the shop and tells everyone to go home

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              15 minutes later, Tristan pulls up outside the shop and tells everyone to go home. He puts an emergency closed sign on the door and locks up. Thankfully he had no appointments today. Then he gets back in his car and parks the couple blocks away from Peyton's.


                                                                    BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ

Peyton: Hello?

Tristan: It's me

Peyton: Come on up.

                           Peyton presses the buzzer to let him up. Bentley is sitting on the couch passed out with his phone in his hand.

                                                            KNOCK KNOCK

                  She opens the door and sees Tristan.....her eyes automatically start to water when he pulls her in for a hug.

Peyton: Thanks for coming.

Tristan: Of course Peyton.

                 They walk in the apartment with his arm over her shoulder and stops dead in his tracks when he sees Bentley.

Tristan: Why is Bentley here?

Peyton: He passed out after he gave the cops Harley's phone that he found. I didn't want to wake him.

Tristan: Alright. How about some breakfast? I'll cook

Peyton: Okay...

                 Peyton sits at the counter and Tristan starts pulling out pans and cooking. 15 minutes later the blueberry pancakes, eggs, and bacon are ready. He makes Peyton a plate and hands her a fork. 

Tristan: Eat up.

Peyton: Thanks Tristan. For all of this.

                 She smiles up at him and digs in. After a few bites, Bentley walks in the kitchen.

Bentley: Hey bro.....when did you get here?

Tristan:  A bit ago.  Cooked breakfast. I closed the shop for the day, put an emergency sign in the window.

Bentley: Thanks man. I gotta call my clients and reschedule their appointments.

Tristan: Sorry to hear about Harley.... I hope she is okay.

Bentley: Thanks man. I'll be back.

                  Bentley goes into Harley's room and calls his clients....he is sitting there when something catches his eye. Bentley squints and tries to see what it is.

Bentley: What the fuck is that?

                 He walks over to the book shelf and reaches is hand on the top and feels around blindly. He knocks down a small camera.


                 Peyton and Tristan hear Bentley yell and run to Harley's room.

Peyton: What's going on?

Tristan: Why are you yelling?

                     Bentley shows them the small camera and asks Peyton about it.

Bentley: Why is there a camera on Harley's bookshelf?! Did you know about this?

Peyton: No Bentley...I've never seen it before in my life. Is someone fucking watching her?

Tristan: What the fuck!

                He pockets the camera.

Bentley: We have to check for more. If someone was watching her, then there has to be more.

Bentley: Everyone spread out. Peyton check your room. Tristan can you check the kitchen and living room? I'll check the bathroom and look around Harley's room again.

Peyton: Yea...oh my god...what if this whole place is bugged?

Tristan: We will find them all, and whoever it is will pay.


               Joey is making Harley breakfast when he gets a ping on his spy cam app. He opens the app and sees Bentley in Harley's room. He is sitting on the bed on the phone.

Joey: Motherfucker is still going over there!

               He is watching and all of a sudden Bentley glares right in the direction of the camera...

Joey: Shit

              He watches Bentley approach the book shelf...and he sees his hand feeling around. Then the camera is on the floor and Bentley is looking into it.


             He sees Tristan and Peyton all looking at it and talking, then it goes dark.  Joey throws a dish against the wall shattering it. He angrily grabs the breakfast and puts it on a plate, taking it to Harley.

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