Chapter 23

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Bentley: HARLEY?!

Bentley: Where the fuck are you?

Harley: I....I....don't was Joey..

Bentley: Fuck.....alright,  can you tell me anything? I'm going to find you.

Harley: I stabbed Joey in the neck with a fork...he is out....I don't know if he is dead or not....he will kill me if he wakes up.

Harley: Please me..

                         Harley is sobbing on the phone

Bentley: I'm coming Harley. Stay on the phone with me.

                       Bentley grabs his car keys and runs out of the apartment without saying anything to Peyton. Getting into his car, he starts it and takes off.

Bentley: Don't you dare hang up. Got it? I need to 3 way call.

                   Bentley puts Harley on hold and dials Officer Jones.


Officer Jones: Hello? Officer Jones with Orlando PD speaking

Bentley: Officer Jones! This is Bentley! I have Harley on the line and she's in trouble. Please. I need a trace. I have to get to her before Joey wakes up.

                     Bentley connects the calls for the 3 way.

Bentley: Harley!? Speak up to me babe.

Harley: I'm here....hurry please...

Officer Jones: Harley, this is Officer Jones. Everything will be okay. I need you to remain calm.

Bentley: Fuck dude. There's no time for this! If Joey wakes up, HE WILL KILL HER!!!

Officer Jones: Alright. Alright. Bentley, put me on speaker. I need you to tell me the number she is calling from.

                     Bentley puts the phone on speaker as he speeds and weaves through traffic through I-4.

Bentley: (321) 555-0505

Officer Jones: Alright, give me a moment. Harley are you still with us?

Harley: Yes.....I'm scared. I'm cuffed to a bed and I hurt Joey. He's bleeding.

Officer Jones: It's okay. Stay calm

                     Officer Jones types that phone number in the phone tracer. Bentley continues toward I-4 going 85mph.

Officer Jones: The trace takes a minute. Harley what do you see?

Harley: I'm strapped to a bed. The room is old. Like it is falling apart and disgusting. This place is terrifying.

Officer Jones: Bentley?

Bentley: Yea?

Officer Jones: I will talk you through how to get to her. I don't want you hanging up with either of us to use a GPS. Got it?

Bentley: Yes. Just tell me where to go.

Officer Jones: I-4 East

                                          Bentley runs through the red light and merges on I-4 East going 105mph.

Bentley: Officer Jones, I am on I-4 East. I am speeding. If a cop tries to pull me over, what do I do?

Officer Jones: Don't stop. I'll put out a call. I want them to follow you there.

Officer Jones: " This is Officer Jones. I have a car speeding on I-4 East...."

                             Officer Jones types in Bentley's information to pull up his car.

Officer Jones: "The car is owned by a Bentley Hendry. License plate DMR475. Black BMW." "Car is not to be stopped but to be followed. I repeat, do not pull over! Follow!"

Officer Keith: "This is Officer Keith. Car has been spotted on I-4 going East. Following"

Officer Jones: Bentley?

Bentley: Yes?

Officer Jones: You are being followed. Keep going. Take the next exit in 2 miles.

Bentley: Got it. Harley? Baby? Are you still there?

Harley: Yes....Bentley I'm scared.

Bentley: I'm coming okay?

Officer Jones: This exit!

                       Bentley speeds off the exit.

Officer Jones: Take a left!

                        Bentley turns left

Officer Keith: "Suspect has exited I-4 East and has made a left."

Officer Jones: Turn right in a half a mile.

Harley: Bentley?

Bentley: Yes baby. I'm right here. I'm coming.

Harley: Joey is moaning....I think he's waking up.

Bentley: FUCK!

                            Bentley hits the horn, punching the steering wheel.

Officer Keith: "Suspect has turned right"

Officer Jones: Turn right......NOW!

                          Bentley turns right

Officer Jones: Bentley, the house is abandoned. It will be the house on the end of the next street, on the left.

Officer Keith: "Suspect has turned right and now left."

                            Bentley comes to a stop outside an abandoned duplex.

Officer Jones: "Officer Keith, Do not arrest suspect

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Officer Jones: "Officer Keith, Do not arrest suspect. Suspect is going into abandoned duplex, follow him in when you get there. Be armed."

Officer Keith: "Affirmative"

Bentley: I'm coming Harley!

                    Bentley grabs a tire iron out of the trunk and runs up to the door. Lifting his foot, he kicks the door in.

Bentley: HARLEYYYY!!!!

                 Bentley hears a muffled sound coming from upstairs. He takes off running, taking the steps two at a time. He sees the kitchen. Bentley stops in the kitchen and sees lace panties on the counter and a bunch of sex toys.

Bentley: Motherfucker

Officer Jones: What's going on?

Bentley: There's panties here. Red lace ones....the other day, Harley mentioned her underwear drawer was messed up. Fucker stole her underwear, and there's sex toys on the counter....he was going to use them on her.

Harley: BENTLEY HELP!!!!

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