Chapter 7 - I really had fun.

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Chapter 7

I stir and groan. My phone is ringing. I tried ignoring it but the person won’t give up. Seriously, who is calling me?

The people who have my number are my grandparents, Amabelle, my mom and step dad, Anne and Faricity. I doubt it is my mom and it can’t be my step dad he is at home. It cannot be my grandparents because they are on vacation and Amabelle have not called me in like a year. It can only be Faricity or Anne.

I shot out my hand and grabbed my ringing phone. I place the phone on my ears without looking at the caller ID.

“Wake up you sleepy head.” a voice says from the other end of the line. The voice sounded like that of Faricity. Guess I know who is calling me.

“Hello Faricity.” I throw off my covers and jump out of bed.

“So, how are you feeling?”

“I think I have a headache. Also my lips still hurt, but at least I can talk properly unlike yesterday.”

I hear her giggle over the line. Whoa, this is the first time I have seen her laugh. Technically, I can’t see her, but you get my point.

“Why are you calling me?” I ask her. I know she told me yesterday that we were friends. But I kind of expect to wake up and she has forgotten all about me. Guess I am wrong.

“I called to check up on you. I heard that is what friends do.”

She really surprised me with her answer. I never expected her to say that. She really wants to be my friends. I kind of like that because I also want to be her friend.

“Thanks I really appreciate it. You don’t know what it means for me.” I say sincerely. I really mean everything I said to her.

“No problem, I can’t believe I am doing this but it felt like the right thing to do.”

Seriously, the way she is talking, it is as if she means it. Like it is from her heart. I never knew she is this deep, under the thick make up and Goth dressing was a true friend.

“So, do you have any plans for today?”

Did she just ask me if I have any plans for today? I never have any plans for my Saturday. I spend my Saturday at home, either in my room watching TV or listening to music. I also spend my Saturday helping the staff with their work. In short, my Saturday is very lame.

“Whoa! I never really have any plans for Saturday.”

“Seriously?” she asks surprised.

“I don’t know why you are surprised. I don’t really have any friends and basically no social life. So, it shouldn’t be a surprise.”

“The both of us we spent the whole day together. It will be funny. I will see you in two hours. Bye.”

She hangs up the phone before I can reply.

There is a huge smile on my face. I actually have plans for today. This will be so much fun.

I ran quickly to the shower still smiling I had a good feeling about today. For the first time in a long while I am really very happy and excited.


Dressed in a baggy grey jeans and a t-shirt that is three sizes bigger than me, I walk out of my room still smiling.

I can’t wait for the fun day Faricity have planned out for us. I stop at the elevator and press the button. While waiting for the elevator, an idea popped in my head.

Crazy!!! But true (On Hold)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora