Chapter 2 - Worst day ever

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Chapter 2

Entering into the school, my nerves were killing me. I was afraid to look up and face any of the students. I walk straight to my locker. I had English for my first period, i needed to get something from my locker.

I opened my locker to find a snake. "ahhhhhh" I screamed. "There is a snake in my locker" I shouted.

Some students started laughing. I look in my locker to see that it is a rubber snake. I turn around to face Katherine James. She walks up to me. "Well, well, what do we have here." She smiles, at her back Susan and Kerrie laughs. "Poor Johanna! you don't know the difference between a real snake and a rubber snake." Susan removes the rubber snake from my locker." You are so dumb" She said to me. I look down. "She can't even look up while we talk to her." Susan and Kerrie laughs. "I wonder why you bother attending this school" says Katherine. "I think you should get a transfer to another school". With that, Katherine and her friends walked away.

I sighed. I could still hear the laughter from other students. Some students shouted "What a loser" as I walk to my first class.

Well this is my life and things like this happen to me everyday. Wait, i forgot to tell you about me. Like you have heard, my name is Johanna. Johanna Sutcliffe. Also if you were wondering, am seventeen. This is my life and it is miserable.

I could still here the whispers as I enter my English class and did the only thing I always do; i down cast my eye so that I wont meet their gaze.


The rest of the morning was uneventful except for some students that were still laughing at me. Lunch was over and i was in my art class.

It was my best class for two reasons. One, our teacher; Miss Malory was very nice and two, i really love to draw and paint. I don't want to brag but my painting are usually beautiful.

"Good job" I turn around to see Miss Malory admiring my painting. " I see great things in your life if you continue painting" she added. I smiled shyly.

Like i said, best class in the whole school.

Suddenly, I start hearing whispers. But I choose to ignore it. The noise was increasing so i turned around. All eyes where on me and some where laughing. I decided to turn back to my painting, thinking they would stop.

"Stop laughing!!'' she shouted to the whole class. ''Johanna!!" Miss Malory shouted. I turn around to see Miss Malory with her hands on her mouth. I thought she was about to faint. "Yes" I answered shyly. She walks up to me and gives me an hall pass. Then she whispers to my ear "Go to the nurse's office and ask for another skirt or a trouser". I was confused, why will I need a new trouser.

My trouser was not designer, it was  white, very long (longer than my legs) and not fitted. Yes, my mom is a fashion designer but my fashion sense is terrible. I wont even bother to explain my outfit because it is not nice. Wait a minute, white and nurse's office. I look at my trouser to see a red stain. I look up to see everyone in the class laughing. I look at Katherine to see she was holding a brush with red paint. She smiles at me and says something to her friends.

I ran out of the class, i did not go to the nurse's office. I ran out of the school with one thought on my mind "today was the worst day ever".

Crazy!!! But true (On Hold)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt