Chapter 3 - It hurts thinking about the past

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Chapter 3

I was annoyed. I was not heading home. OK, I didn't run off to my house at first. I went to the nurse's office and she was kind often to given me a skirt. It was not my usual style of clothing. The skirt was too short, it was too fitted. Worst, it was pink. I think I am the only girl in the whole world that hates pink.

After leaving the nurse's office, I was frustrated with school. I walk straight to the park that was a few blocks away from my school. I sat down at the park bench, while different people pass by. I sighed, I really miss my grandparents and my only friend; Lydia.

My grandparents; Oscar and Amabelle Gaston. I spent the first seven years of my life with them. Those times were the best in my life. My best friends Lydia and Trent. Lydia and I had so many things in common. We called each other sisters and we usually had sleepover at her house. Her parents were the best and we always found a way to have fun together. Trent was like our older brother because he was two years our senior. He would follow us wherever we are going, he sometimes had sleepover with us.

Since then, I never had any friend. Sad, right? Very sad indeed.

I can still remember my grandma and the taste of her apple pie. It was the best in the town. OK, it was a small town and the population then was 543. But it was really cool that in the whole town her bakery was the best and there was usually a crowd everyday. I spent a lot of time in the bakery, I was always the first to taste her pastries.

My grandfather was the town's sheriff; funny right. He would always stop at the bakery in the morning and afternoon with his deputy. Always requesting for the usual; that is, donuts. Seriously, I have never understood why police loved donut. Maybe it was part of their job requirement. My grandfather was strict at times but most of the time was very friendly.

I loved their house, it was not too big. It was a four bedroom house. It was very homey. I will always pick their house to the mansion i live in now.''The lonely mansion I live in now'' I speak out loud.

My mom is hardly at home, when she is around she chooses to ignore me; her own daughter.

I know what is in your mind; if i love my former life, what am i doing here. Well, my mother have always wanted to be a model. Yes, Linda Gaston always wanted the famous life, the big houses, expensive clothes and car. But she was dumb. She got herself pregnant at eighteen. Like I said, she was dumb.

Well, eighteen and pregnant; my mom couldn't go to college and the boy refused to accept the baby, me. But luckily for her, her parents forgave her. After she gave birth to me, she left me with her parents and went to California to pursue her dream of becoming a model.

She never ones visited me, she only called on my birthday. I never really mind, my life was happier like that. I only saw her on TV and fashion magazines. Yes, my mom was very famous. She was beautiful, sexy and was blonde; the perfect model, but worst mom ever. I was actually happy that she didn't disturb my life and I didn't disturb her life.

Everything change when I got home from school to find her in the house. I later found out my mom was getting married to a big time record producer; Charles Sutcliffe. My mom was very excited and I was angry because I would have to leave my grandparents's house.

The wedding day, I sighed remembering the day as if it happened yesterday.

Many rich and famous people were invited, i felt out of place in my mother's wedding. I came with my grandmother because my grandfather refused to come.

On the wedding day, I discovered that my step father had two daughter; twins,from his previous marriage.

From that day, it was clear that Frances Sutcliffe would never like me. She and her friend Katherine made it very clear. Yes, the same Katherine James in the school. But her twin sister was very nice; Anne was an angel.

Charles Sutcliffe was very nice, but he was hardly at home. One year after the marriage, he adopted me as his daughter. I think my mom hated the fact that he adopted me.

I was happy and sad to discover that the twins both attends a boarding school at England. Happy because I wouldn't be living with Frances only during the holiday and sad because I will not be spending time with Anne. I wanted to go to the boarding school but my mom refused. Even Charles begged her to allow me but she gave some lame excuse about wanting to spend time with her daughter. What a lie!

Being home alone was boring. But Frances not being around was a good thing, only for me to start school and meet Katherine and her friends who choose to torment my life.

Tears begin to fall from my eyes. I miss the times I spent with my grandparents, I called them occasionally, but it didn't feel the same. I miss my friend Lydia. I also miss Anne because dhe was the only friend I had here. The only friend. I wipe my tears, but I couldn't stop the tears. It hurts thinking about the past.

HEY. I know that I am delaying the boys coming to her house. But I wanted you all to understand the character, Johanna. I wanted to show you all her life before the boys came. I promise the boys will appear later.

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