Chapter 4 - I finally have a friend

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Chapter 4

Trouble; to cause inconvience or discomfort. I hate that word. I try to stay away from trouble, but trouble always try to find me.

I did not see it flying toward me at high speed. It came to me twice today. Now, I am in the nurse's office because I need stitches on my lips. I know what you are thinking, what happened to my lips? Well, it is a long story. So lets go back to the beginning.


Walking down the halls, I can still hear the laughter of some students. I choose to ignore them. I just left my maths class, its time for lunch. My aim was to get to the cafeteria. I will get something to eat and sit at my favorite bench, where no one can see me. The perfect plan.

Entering into the cafeteria, it was packed with students. I walked straight to where the food was. There is different categories of food.

I look up to meet Faricity gaze. She smiles at me and I smile back. She is not really my friend, we just had four classes together. She is a bad new.

I walked to the cafeteria line. All I have to do is get my lunch. No problem. Then trouble came flying to me. I think there is a good reason why you need to look up when walking; it is not to find your way. No, it is to see when trouble is coming and avoid it.

"Opps" said Kerrie with a snrik. Some students starts whispering and others were laughing.

I couldnt say anything. What would you say if someone poured their lunch on your body. Her milkshape and pasta were dripping from my head. The rest were on my t- shirt and on the ground.

"Now you wont have to buy lunch. I helped you to buy lunch" she said with a snrik. "Also, the milkshake is low fat" Kerrie smiles. "Wont what you to be a cow. Besides, you are already ugly. You wont want to be fat and ugly."

I ran out of the cafeteria. At the exit, someone grabbed my hands. I look up to see Faricity. "You need to fight back before it becomes worst" she said to me.

I push her away and ran to the toilet. I wasnt hungry again.


I ran quickly to the changing room. I need to hide. I let out a shaky breath and ran a hand through my hair. I was shaking, I need somewhere to hide.

I hate gym class. I cant believe I threw a ball at Katherine. It wasnt suppose to hit her. We were just playing dodge ball. She wasnt even playing. I over threw the ball and it hits her on the head. Why did....

The changing room door opens with a force and in comes Katherine, Kerrie and Susan.

"Well, well, well" Katherine smiles. "What do we have here?" Katherine asked. I was already shaking. Susan walks over to me and answered "The little bird is growing wings."

"Do you think you would hit me with a ball and go away without any harm" Katherine gowled.

Kerrie strode up to me, grabbed my hair and threw my head into the lockers. I screamed out of pain. Before I could respond, she threw my head into the locker again. I start crying because of the pain in my head. Some girls ran into the changing room. Kerrie pushes me to the ground and I fell to the ground on my butt. I touched my lips to find blood.

The three of them stare at me. Susan was the first to break the silence, "I think you should hit her head on the locker again. It will be the perfect lesson to her" she look at the other girls "and the other girls in this school."

Kerrie grapped my hair again. " Plll- pl- ease" I begged her. I know, it is pathetic. But I would say or do anything to prevent her from smashing my head on the locker.

Before Kerrie could hit my head on the locker again, someone grab her hands. I actually thought it was our coach, but it was a student.

"Faricity! this is none of your business" Katherine shouted. Farcity moved forward to face Kerrie and answered "Hitting my friend on a locker is my business".

Everyone there was shocked. Wait! Faricity O'Neil just admitted that she was my friend. 'Since when have we been friends?' I asked my self. We only greet each other 'hi'. The first time she actually talked to me was today when I was leaving the cafeteria. We have never talked.

My thinking was interrupted by Susan. "The loser is your friend?" she asked curiously. "Yes, she is" Faricity shot back. "Do you have any problem with that?" she glares at Susan. Kerrie was about to answer but was interrupted by Katherine.

"I think we should leave. Besides, our job here is done" she said with a snrik. Katherine, Kerrie and Susan walks out of the changing room. Then our coach enters. She looks at me and the rest of the students.

To the other girls, "Class is over, you can change to your clothes" to me "Go now to the nurse's office and ask one of the girls to follow you". "I will follow her" Faricity inserted. "Ok, you do just that" she says and leave the changing room.

The coach couldnt punish them because their parents paid for most of the schools fund.

The girls all start to change their cloth. I then start to cry. "Come lets get you to the nurse's office" I look up to see Faricity. She helps me to stand up. "Everything will be alright" and for once I actually thought so.


I am still in the nurse's office but she is through with the stitches. "I am going out but I will soon be back but you are free to go home" she told me before leaving her office.

I look at Faricity who was still staring at the window. I want to say thank you but my mouth still hurts.

I look at Faricity. Faricity was a black girl with the most amazing brown eyes. We had some classes together and like I said before, she was a bad news. She had detention almost everyday and she didnt have many friends. She hang around with two girls; I have forgotten their name. She was different from everyone else in the school. Especially because of her dressing.

Today she was wearing leather pants and a leather jacket. The jacket was not button up. The t-shirt she wore under the jacket was grey. The t-shirt says 'Stay away from me'. She wore big black heavy boots. Her hair was black but had different shades of clothes; red, pink, blue, purple and white. Her make up was black and her lipstick was thick. She was staring at the window as if something important was happening outside.

Still staring at the window, she said "You need to fight for yourself". She looks at me "If you cant fight for yourself" she smiles "I am your friend and I will fight for you". She left the office after what she said. I was shocked. Faricity is now my friend. I close my eyes and sighed. My head still hurt but I was happy. I finally have a friend.

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