Chapter 9 - The food is really worth the torture.

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Yeah! another chapter. I have been so busy with school that I could not upload a new chapter. 8of February was my friend birthday, so am dedicating this chapter to her. Happy birthday Uzzie.

Chapter 9

I step out of the elevator and look around the lobby.

I can't still beleive I listened to Hillary. I am actually going to have dinner with my step dad, Stereo sound and my mom.

Yes, I mean my MOM. The same woman who gave birth to me and forgot she had a daughter. She came home a few hours ago. I haven't see her but I heard from one of the maids that she was home.

Great! Just great! So I am now having dinner with four hot boys that are in everywhere teenage girls dream; including my own dream last night.

Also, I now know all their names. Yes, I decided to browse about the hot boys living in my house. I can now boost of knowing the names of all the members of Stereo sound. I also discovered other important information and unnecessary information about them.

The guy who saved me from a trip to hospital is Delvin Rankin. He is very hot and his name is also hot. The last member of the band that I only met on the first day is Hunter Freeman. He is really cute and adorable but shy. Of course there is also Rick and Giles but I already know their name.

They have won many awards and have so many fans. Also, lets not 4get that they are so hot and sexy that it should be a crime. I can now understand why girls love them.

Wait! Does this make me a fan?

I hit my right hand on my forehead. I need to stop dreaming of Stereo sound. I should not let them mess with my head.

I came up with a plan for this dinner when I was in my room. I will have dinner but I wont make any conversation with them and through out there stay here I will have breakfast, lunch and dinner in my room. The best plan ever.

But I first have to survive this dinner with the boys and my mom.I groan.

How could I forget that she will also be there. The woman can't stand being in the same room with me for a minute.

At least there will be two people at the table that I will feel comfortable with during this dinner.

This dinner will really be interesting and not in a good way.

I walk closer to the dining room. I can hear the voices of people talking. I can pick out my mom, dad and Hillary's voice and that of the boys.

I hid behind the dining room door where no one can see me and took a peep at the dinner room. My step dad and mom are at the both end of the dinner table. Giles, Delvin and Hunter at the right and Rick and Hillary facing them at the left. There is a seat for me between Rick and Hillary.

(Note: I am not good at explaining the table seating but it is like this


Rick. Giles


Hillary. Hunter


The arrangement is like this. I hope you will understand it better now.)

I take a big breathe and walk out of my hiding place and enter the dining room.

My dad is the first person to notice me and he immediately stop talking. Everyone followed his glance and soon all eyes where on me. Well all eyes expect for that of my mom, she didnt even bother to glance my way.

I took a deep breathe, bow down my head and continue walking into the dinning room with my whole body shaking. I am surprise that my legs haven't given up on me. I walk straight to the empty seat and sat down but my eyes where still downcast. I am not ready to face their glance.

"Anna! I know you lack proper training but coming last for dinner is extremely rude. The worst part is that there are guests in the house." My mom shouted at me in front of everyone.

Great! Just great! In front of Stereo sound. This night is suddenly a nominee for the worst moment in my life.

"Honey! I dont see any problem. She might have been busy in her room. No need to make a fuss on the matter." Charles says to my mom.

"Yes, she told me she had a project due on monday." Hillary added.

My mom shot Hillary an evil glare but Hillary smiled sweetly back at her.

"Well Hillary, she should have explain that to us. You dont have to be her mouthpiece." My mom answered.

My step dad shakes his head. "Honey! lets not talk about this anymore. Besides, she is really sorry about it. Right Johanna?" Charle asked.

I could feel all eyes on me again. This is so not my night at all. I hate been the center of attention. I raise up my head and turn to the direction of my step dad.

"I -I-I" I stamer a little bits.

"Not all of us understand the language you are speaking." My mom said in an annoying tone.

"I had some assignment but I am truly sorry." I quickly answered then bow my head. I can bet that not everyone present heard my explanation.

"See honey, she is very sorry."

"Well next time she should'nt be late for dinner. Its actually very rude." My mother answered with an attitude.

"Anway, lets get back to the wonderful conversation we were having before the little distraction."My mom added.

I let my mind wonder off after her statement and focused only on my dinner which was very delicious.

I dont know how the night will end but the food is worth it.

I took another bite of my dinner. The food is really is worth the torture.

Another chapter.




It will really be nice.

Crazy!!! But true (On Hold)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن