Escape plan or failed plan? (Chapter Eight)

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It was 11pm. We decided to discuss the plan after we got out of the school because of cameras and hearing magic (hearing magic is like mind reading, Micheal's specialty). Me and Micheal were outside, waiting for Aaron and Brittany. "They're late!" I hissed . "I CANT BELIEVE THEM."
Oh my god. I'm sorry, Chloé, I don't think RUSSIA COUKD HEAR YOU YET.
I jumped.
God Micheal. You need to warn me before you talk in my head.
Sorry not sorry. You kinda deserved it.
I face palmed.
You can't tell me your not pissed.
I never said that. I'm just being calm about it. They have to go one by one so...
And why didn't that apply when you teleported me away?
Because I still don't like him. I don't want you to get hurt.
I paused for a moment. What did he mean?
"Ohohoho. Someone jealous?" I jumped three feet into the air.
"Jesus , Britt don't scare me like that!" I whisper-yelled. Brittany appeared right next to my ear holding an invisibility cube. I led out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. "Do you guys have everything ready?" I asked. "Yeah. But when we stop to rest, spill the tea sis. 'There is always a place for tea.' That's her motto. Even when I'm in middle of falling asleep, she texts me 'spill. I saw you blush, you can't hide I will find you.' This is one of the reasons I don't get enough sleep. Aaron appears next to her and immediately clamps his hands over mine and Britt's mouths. 'Shhhh' Micheal motioned. He showed us his invisibility cube and we got the message to turn on ours. Then I heard a twig crack. I edged away from them. Then someone peeked our from behind a tree and our cubes deactivated. Now would you all welcome the rogue mage catcher , Henry Richard Simpson? He does a nightly patrol of the school grounds. We wanted to avoid him but.... Nevermind. The main focus right now is when the hell did I get handcuffed?!

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