Go away!

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This boy named Alexander Walker was the worst person to come across when you were in a hurry. My brothers had always said that before they left to a curse breaking course (needed for every campaign or job in the magic community). I still had my doubts about what they said but I was just not in the mood to talk to him of all people. "Go away,"I said quietly, trying to push past him. He looked down in amusement. "Sorry rich missy I didn't quite catch that,"he said playfully. "GO AWAY!"I yelled. Everyone started running. My brothers ran for lives , knowing that this guy was someone only I could handle. "You little-"he lunged at me trying to grab my collar. I had enough. Even though I'm not supposed to use magic now, this boy really looked like he was gonna choke me. "Stop." The boy froze mid jump. I suddenly heard footsteps. I knew I had a bit of time and I might get suspended then and there, so I mustered the courage and released the boy from the jump. I backed my self into the wall and slid down it , mustering the most convincing look of terror on my face. The boy looked confused and started towards me. "ALEXANDER WALKER. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! IS THIS HOW YOU GRACE THE FAMILY NAME?"a voice said. He looked up and shrank back. "Dad , you don't understand, I-"he stuttered in pure terror. "I don't want to hear it. Dad?! I thought. Oh shoot I feel bad now. His father walked over to me. He crouched down and offered a hand . I grabbed and he pulled me up. "Alex, I'm very disappointed. Your grounded for two weeks. Walk the poor girl to class now." He walked away and Alexander glared at me. "I'm so sorry I-"I really didn't think that his family actually owned the school. "You know were class is" he asked. I nodded. "Good. Go there by yourself." "But-" I stuttered. "GO AWAY" he yelled angrily and he stormed away. Great job Chloè, I mentally kicked myself. First hour into school- you're late and made a terrible enemy.
During second period

"Chloè Mercièr, would you like to grace us with the answer on the board?"said the teacher. My desk mate(Micheal) kicked my under the desk and I snapped my head up. "She wants to know the answer,"whispered Micheal. "Um....... 3.14159?!"I guessed. The teacher smiled from ear to ear. "You landed a tutoring session with mr.parker! And since it's so convenient, I'll inform the head teacher that your sharing a dorm!"she said in a fake happy voice. "Miss, if you saw my last name, you'd understand that I'm not getting a dorm,"I said annoyed. This teacher didn't know her boundaries. "Oh? Then what's your last name that makes you 'high and mighty' Chloè,"said a boy from the back. I turned to face him and he smirked at me. "Yeah Chloè! Chimed in another voice. This time it was a girl. Specifically an annoying voice which belonged to Angel-the brattiest kid in school. Soon the whole class was yelling at me to tell them. "Fine,"I whispered, the noise barley audible above the loud chants of the class. They all quieted down. "If I scare you please feel free to leave,"I said with a hollow laugh. The boy in the back, Allan, snorted. "Sure we'll be scared." "Don't say I didnt warn you. My last name is..... No my full name is Chloè Ashlyn Mercièr," I said heavily. The entire class gasped. "Holy shit it's a Mercièr! Aren't those people top class mages?! The government pillars?!" People started to whisper. Micheal raised and eyebrow at me and I nodded. He smirked and whispered,"I'm friends with a Mercièr". I sighed not finding it funny. "Just get me out of here" I said to him in an undertone. "C-class dismissed.."the teacher stuttered. Micheal stood up and clapped his hands. He teleported us to his dorm and I sat on the couch and slumped backwards. I groaned. "I've known you for two years and you never told me this?"he said. "Yeah..."I groaned again. "You've got a lot of explaining to do."

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